Report: College of Electors - May 15, 2024

Council Chamber, Simcoe Hall, 2nd floor


Minutes of the College of Electors meeting held on May 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber:

PRESENT: Candice Jay, (UTAA) (Chair), Brad Beveridge, Jennifer Boucher, Dan Bowyer, George Buldo, Arun Channan, Doris Chee, Sofiya Datsyuk, Eileen de Villa, Vidia Dhanraj, David Drew, Althea Fernandes, Jing Fu, Sandra Griffiths, Shauna Gundy, Andrea Koop, Nakia Lee-Foon, Idas Levato, David McKnight, Andria Minicucci, Asif Mohammed, Frid Mughal, Eric Noble, Nick Pantaleo, Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patino, David Plant, Naraindra Prashad,  Maina Rambali, Erin Rud-Thompson, Christophe Shammas, Rohit Singla, Milomir Strbac, KimEjia Taipaleemaki, Steve Williams, Jinzi Zheng

REGRETS: Tom Woods (Vice-Chair), Mohammed Amin, Omar Bitar, Jodeme Goldhar, Evie Jesin, Tamara Kronis, Ennio Palombizio, Jamie Philip, Joy Richards, Erin Rud-Thompson, Connie Sellors, Lisa Taillefer, Gina Valle, Terese Weisberg, Robin Whiffen

SECRETARIAT: Tracey Gameiro, Secretary, College of Electors

GUESTS: Anna Kennedy (Vice-Chair, Governing Council), Meric Gertler (President)


  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair welcomed members and guests to the final meeting of the 2023-2025 governance year.  She thanked President Meric Gertler, Anna Kennedy, Chair of the Governing Council and Sheree Drummond, Secretary of the Governing Council, for attending. She thanked President Meric Gertler, Anna Kennedy, Chair of the Governing Council, and Sheree Drummond, Secretary of the Governing Council, for attending. 

    On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried, the College moved In Camera.
  2. Report of the Chancellor Search Committee

    The Chair gave an overview of the Chancellor Search Committee’s Report which was followed by the College’s discussion of the Report. 

    Election of Chancellor 

    The College held an election for the Chancellor by secret ballot. Once the ballots had been counted, the Chair announced that the Wesley J. Hall, CD.D, had been elected as Chancellor of the University of Toronto for a three-year term, effective July 1, 2024 until June 30, 2027. 

    Chancellor Emerita Designation 

On motion duly moved, seconded and carried 

It Was Resolved 

THAT the College of Electors endorse the proposed designation of Chancellor Rose Patten as Chancellor Emerita of the University of Toronto, effective July 1, 2024. 

  1. Report of the 2023-2024 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) of the College of Electors

    The Chair informed the College of the process by which the Executive Committee was elected each year. She said that the 2023-2024 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) was composed of three members: Shauna Gundy (Trinity College), Vidia Dhanraj (New College), and Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patino (Applied Science and Engineering).

    Ms. Gundy then presented the Committee’s report.
    1. Vice-Chair

      On motion duly moved, seconded and carried

      It Was Resolved

      THAT Brad Beveridge be appointed Vice-Chair of the College of Electors for 2024-2025.

    2. Executive Committee

      On motion duly moved, seconded and carried

      It Was Resolved

      THAT KimEija Taipaleenmäki, Terese Weisberg, and Tom Woods be appointed to the Executive Committee of the College of Electors for 2024-2025

      The Chair congratulated the members of the 2024-2025 Executive Committee and thanked the 2024-2025 NC-EC for their work.

  2. Selection of the 2024-2025 Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee

    The Chair reminded members of the role of the Nominating Committee for the Executive Committee (NC-EC) as per the College’s Constitution. George P. Buldo (Temerty Faculty of Medicine), Nick Pantaleo (St. Michael’s College), and Nakia Lee-Foon (Victoria College) volunteered to sit on the 2024-2025 NC-EC.

    The Chair thanked them for their willingness to serve in that capacity.

    On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried, the College moved into open session.


  1. Report of the Previous Meeting – February 22, 2024

    On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,

    The minutes of the meeting of February 22, 2024 were approved.
  2. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

    There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
  3. Date of the Next Meeting – October 7, 2024, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

    The Chair noted that the next meeting of the College of Electors was scheduled to be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on October 7, 2024.        
  4. Other Business

    There was no other business.
  5. Chair’s Closing Remarks

    The Chair thanked members of the 2023-2024 Executive Committee: Vice-Chair Tom Woods (Engineering ), Arun Channan (Engineering), Shauna Gundy (Trinity College) and David Plant (Trinity College) for having supported her as Chair of the College, and for their generously given time and assistance.

    The Chair also thanked all members of the College for their dedication and acknowledged the other members who would end their service on the College this year.

    The Chair presented a certificate of appreciation to the following out-going members:
    1. Arun Channan (FASE)   
    2. Vidia Dhanraj (New College)   
    3. Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patiño (FASE)    
    4. Shauna Gundy (Trinity)   
    5. David Plant (Trinity)   
    6. Dr. Joy Richards (Nursing)           
    7. Dr. Gina Valle (OISE)   
    8. Lisa Taillefer (Victoria College)   

Members of the College expressed their appreciation to the Chair and Secretary.


The meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m.

May 28, 2024