Report: Committee on Academic Policy and Programs - September 26, 2023

Council Chamber, Simcoe Hall

Report Number 220 Of The Committee On Academic Policy And Programs

SEPTEMBER 26, 2023

To the Academic Board,
University of Toronto,

Your Committee reports that it held a meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 3:10 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Simcoe Hall with the following members present:

Catherine Amara (Chair),
Nhung Tran (Vice-Chair)*, Susan McCahan (Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Innovations in Undergraduate Education, Sharleen Ahmed, Pier Bryden, David Dubins, Joseph Flessa, Walid A. Houry, Shone Joos*, Robert Kyle*,  Marcus Law, Renee Mahal*, Michael Ratcliffe, Sacha Samouk, Laina Southgate, Suzanne Wood, Colleen Zimmerman

REGRETS: Joshua Barker (Vice-Provost, Graduate Research & Education and Dean, School of Graduate Studies), Leah Cowen (Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Strategic Initiatives), Jason Harlow, Yu Xuan Huang, Jeannie Kim, Irene Morra, Nicole Novroski, Rosa Saverino, David Zingg

NON-VOTING ASSESSORS: Angelique Saweczko, University Registrar*

SECRETARIAT: Joanne Chou, Timothy Harlick

Vina Goghari, Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation, School of Graduate Studies
Daniella Mallinick, Director, Academic Programs, Planning and Quality Assurance, Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs
Anette Knott, Coordinator, Academic Change, Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs
Emma del Junco, Coordinator, Academic Planning & Reviews, Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs
Alexandra Varela, Special Projects Officer, Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs

(*attended remotely)


  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair introduced herself and welcomed new and returning members to the first meeting of the 2023-24 academic year. She then introduced the Vice-Chair, Professor Nhung Tran and the Committee’s Presidential Assessors: The Senior Assessor, Professor Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Innovations in Undergraduate EducationProfessor Joshua Barker, Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor Leah Cowan Vice-President, Research and Ms. Angelique Saweczko, University Registrar.

    The Chair referred members to the two orientation videos. One included the unicameral structure of the University, while the other was designed to provide an overview of where the Committee was positioned within governance at the University, as well as key elements of its Terms of Reference and areas of responsibilities.
  2. Reports of the Administrative Assessors

    At the invitation of the Chair, Professor Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Innovations in Undergraduate Education Programs provided a brief report to the Committee.

    Professor McCahan began her report by highlighting the positive start to the academic year with the return of many students, faculty and staff on campus. She was pleased to share that there was nothing to report with respect to academic continuity, and that all of the pandemic era disruptions had concluded. She explained that they continued to support courses and programs through routine channels, such as academic readiness meetings which were held biannually. She noted that the University community learned from the experience gained during the pandemic to enhance academic readiness going forward.

    Professor McCahan was pleased to announce the approval of a new program that was reviewed by the Committee earlier in the year, the Joint Specialist in Music Industry and Technology. She noted that the program was approved by the Quality Council on August 18, 2023 and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities on September 13. 2023. She explained that this program was being offered by the Department of Arts, Culture and Media at the University of Toronto Scarborough in conjunction with Centennial College. It allowed students to earn an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto and an Ontario Colleges certificate in Music, Business and Technology from Centennial College. The Joint Specialist combined UTSC’s academic strengths in critical analysis of music and culture and Centennial’s strengths in offering practical career-oriented courses in the music industry and music technology. It was slated to start September 2024.

    A member inquired if there was a continued backlog of Tribunal cases due to the effects of the pandemic, and Professor McCahan responded that she did not know about the status of the backlog (since that did not fall under her area of responsibility).

    Following, Professor Vina Goghari, Vice-Dean, Research and Program Innovation was invited by the Chair to provide an update on the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). She began her report by highlighting the new Guidelines for Graduate Units in Monitoring the Progress of Doctoral Student. This included the companion document to the Guidelines for Graduate Supervision and Mentorship, and noted various recommendations for creating effective structures and process to ensure student success. She mentioned that the guidelines were launched in July 2023 and were available on the SGS website.

    Professor Goghari commented on the updated Good Standing and Student Progress, noting the enhanced clarity in the definition and documentation of academic good standing, quality of performance and timeline required to remain in good standing and its implications of losing good standing. She noted that the regulations were updated as of July 2023 and was available on the SGS website and calendar.  

    Professor Goghari mentioned the Personal Time Off Policy and Website Updates, noting that the Policy was approved in June 2022 with the roll-out implemented in the summer/fall of 2022. She mentioned that SGS had received questions as graduate units initiated the implementation of the Policy, and that the website had been updated to clarify policy expectations in July 2023.

    Professor Goghari highlighted the Guidance on the Appropriate Use of Generative AI in Graduate Theses, a new guidance developed for students, supervisors/committees and graduate units on the use of graduate AI in graduate research and theses. The Guidance, launched July 2023, addressed various topics and was available on the SGS website.  

    Ms. Angelique Saweczko, University Registrar was invited by the Chair to provide her update. She began her report by noting that starting in September 2023, a new Absence Declaration guideline and tracking tool was implemented. The declaration was only required when a student was seeking academic consideration, such as a missed test, mid-term etc., and through one of the nine participating academic units, thus not all divisions. Ms. Saweczko provided the following highlights related to the Absence Declaration changes:
  • Students could submit one absence per term;
  • The absence period could be up to a maximum of seven calendar days ;
  • Students could make edits to the Absence Declaration until 11:59pm on the day of submission, after this, changes could only be done through their registrar’s office;
  • Students were automatically sent a copy of the submitted absence declaration to their U of T email immediately following the submission; and
  • Students could enter up to 12 other email recipients. Each division had a different approach as to whom students needed to forward their declaration.

    Ms. Saweczko noted that full details were available online at:
  • Absence Declaration: 
  • Verification of Illness form: 

    Ms. Saweczko then highlighted the recent changes in the Time Table Builder (TTB) for the upcoming academic year. She explained that the TTB was a tool that enabled anyone who accessed the website to view course offerings and associated details (location, time, dates etc.).  Taking security into account and through consultations with Dean’s Offices and divisional registrars, it was decided to remove room numbers from TTB.  Students were then directed to ACORN to access room location information. She noted that since the decision was made, they discovered the university-wide use of this tool and that discussions were underway to create a view with a sign-on requirement. She concluded by noting that instructors had two options to view their course location information and that any U of T staff could request access to the report through the LSM portal.

    Additional information was provided below:
  • Learning Space Management portal (LMS): Click on LSM Portal

  • Course Information System (CIS): under administrative details

    A member inquired if instructors received a copy of the absence declaration when a student submitted an absence declaration tool or how would they be notified. Ms. Saweczko responded that a copy was shared with whomever the student was guided to, and that every division was structured differently to administer this process. She explained that an instructor could be notified directly from the student or from administration that the student was directed to.

  1. Orientation and Discussion: Academic Change

    The Chair noted that the consideration of academic change proposals was a major area of focus for the Committee and drew members’ attention to the orientation video on this topic.

    Professor McCahan provided an overview of the consultation and proposal review process including divisional processes, as well as review by governance. She noted that proposals for modifications, new programs and programs closures were key vehicles of academic change. 

    Members had no questions.

  2. Orientation and Discussion: Cyclical Reviews and Reading Group Guidance 2023-24

    The Chair noted that the cyclical reviews were another major area of focus for the Committee, and drew members’ attention to the orientation materials, including the orientation video, on this topic.

    Professor McCahan highlighted AP&P’s roles and responsibilities on the consideration of the semi-annual reports on the reviews of academic units and programs. Professor McCahan explained the consultation and review process, including divisional processes as well as the review by governance. Professor McCahan also reviewed the timelines associated with the work of the review groups and explained the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process, the importance of the reading group guidance and its function in the overall review process.

    A member inquired about the committee’s responsibility towards monitoring of the recommendations, to which Professor McCahan responded that the Office of the Vice-Provost Academic Programs (VPAP) managed the monitoring reports. Dr. Mallinick added that as of December, interim monitoring reports would also be posted on the Office of the Vice-Provost, Academic Programs website, alongside other official materials.

    A member asked what reviews would be coming forward. Professor McCahan noted that there would be 11 reviews which will be brought forward to the Cycle 2 and up to 16 reviews in the Cycle 5 meeting of the Committee. She informed members that each reading group would be responsible for 3-4 reviews. She urged members to review the orientation materials to address any questions they might have on the review process.

    A member inquired about conflict of interest matters and Professor McCahan explained that great care was made in the reading group assignments, and that they ensured that committee members from different estates [or constituencies] were evenly distributed, and that committee members did not review reviews from their own Faculty or Division. She noted that generally the Dean or the Chair of Department or Unit would attend the meeting to answer questions posed by the reading groups and committee members were not expected to respond on behalf of their Faculty or unit.
  3. Calendar of Business 2023-24

    The Chair referred members to the Calendar of Business located on the Office of the Governing Council’s website and advised that the document would be updated by the Secretariat regularly as business came forward. She encouraged members to review the Calendar on a regular basis.


On motion duly made, seconded, and carried


THAT the consent agenda be adopted and that Item 6, the Report of the Previous Meeting, be approved.

  1. Report of the Previous Meeting

    The report of the previous meeting was approved.

  2. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

    There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.

  1. Date of the Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 24, 2023

    The Chair confirmed that the next meeting of the Committee would be held on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 in the Council Chamber.
  2. Other Business

    There were no items of other business.    

The meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m.

October 5, 2023