Academic Records, Statement Concerning Changes of Student Personal Information in Official [May 23, 2024]

Statement Concerning Changes of Student Personal Information in  

Official Academic Records  

(approved April 16, 2009, revised May 23, 2024)

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The accuracy of students’ academic records is fundamental to the integrity of the Universitys academic mission.  It is important that thUniversity’s records identify individual students’ achievements accurately  and  can  authenticate that  transcripts are  those  of  the  student  or alumna named.

While the University requires a student’s legal name to be used on its official academic records, the University will consider a request from a student to change the first name and middle name presented on official university documents and/or gender recorded on their record. The University must balance its duty to protect the integrity of the academic process and its records with the student’s interest in using a name which may differ from their legal name but is consistent with their identity.

  1. When a student appliefor admission, thnamand gender recordein thUniversity’s academic record are as provided on the application for admission.  The University takes steps to verify the authenticity and legitimacy of academic and other documents submitted in support of the application, including the identity of the student.
  2. Students may request a change of first and middle name and/or gender recorded and used by the University in their official academic record. In dealing with requests for a first and middle name change, the University will require the student to establish and authenticate their identity. The University will advise the student that where the first and middle name on their record is not the legal first and middle name of the student, governments, future employers, licensing bodies, or other educational institutions may require proof that the transcripts and diplomas are the legitimate academic records of the individual submitting them.
  3. The permanent official academic record will include a record of all names recorded  while a student is enrolled and after graduation.. The most recent first name, middle name and surname name recorded by the University will be the name disclosed on transcripts and diplomas. Gender, which is collected and recorded for statistical purposes only, is not disclosed on transcripts or diplomas.
  4. The University will accept requests for a name change following graduation. Requests will be considered with appropriate supporting documentation.
  5. The University Registrar will provide guidelines reflecting these principles concerning changes of name and gender to academic divisions and others in the University who update  student records.
  6. The University supports access to and privacy of student personal information in keeping with its commitment to the requirements of Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Ac(FIPPA).
    •      The  Policy  on  Names  on  Official  Student  Academic  Records  and  Corroborative Documents, 1986, is hereby rescindeand replaced by this Statement.

RELATED DOCUMENTS (Added for Reference by the Secretariat, January 15, 2020)

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act

Approved by Governing Council April 16, 2009, replacing the Policy on Names on Official Student Academic Records and Corroborative Documents approved January 9, 1986.