Agenda Package: UTSC Campus Council - January 25, 2023

UTSC Council Chamber Arts and Administration Building, Room AA160

To listen to the meeting please connect to:

UTSC Campus Council (Cycle 3) 

January 25, 2023

Pursuant to section 33 of By-Law Number 2,
consideration of item 12 will take place in camera.


  1. Chair’s Remarks  
  2. Report of the Vice-President and Principal (for information) 
    1. Healthy Campus Initiative* (Presentation)
  3. Capital Project (Level 3): Report of the Project Planning Committee for the SAMIH (Scarborough Academy of Medicine & Integrated Health), UTSC – Project Scope and Sources of Funding (for recommendation) (Presentation)

    Be It Recommended:


    THAT the project scope of the Scarborough Academy of Medicine and Integrated Health (SAMIH) as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Scarborough Academy of Medicine and Integrated Health (SAMIH) at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), dated November 17, 2022, be approved in principle; and,/span>

    THAT the project totaling 10,801.5 gross square metres (gsm), be approved in principle, to be funded through: the UTSC Infrastructure Fund; Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, Provostial Funding Sources, Donor and UTSC Financing.

  4. Revisions to the University-Mandated Leave of Absence Policy (for information)* (Presentation)
  5. Report of the Presidential Assessors (for information)


  1. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 55 – November 15, 2023 (for approval)*
  2. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
  3. Reports for Information 
    1. Report Number 56 of the UTSC Agenda Committee (January 16, 2023) *
    2. Report Number 61 of the UTSC Academic Affairs Committee (January 10, 2023) *
    3. Report Number 50 of the UTSC Campus Affairs Committee (January 11, 2023) *
  4. Date of the Next Meeting March 8, 2023 at 4:10 p.m.

  1. ​​​Question Period 
  2. Other Business 


  1. Capital Project: SAMIH (Scarborough Academy of Medicine & Integrated Health), UTSC - Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding (for recommendation) + 

*Documentation is attached.
**Documentation for consent item included. This item will be given individual consideration by the Campus Council only if a member so requests. Members with questions or who would like the consent item to be discussed by the Campus Council are invited to notify the Secretary, Lydia Gill, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting by email at
***Documentation is to follow
+Confidential documentation is attached for members only.