Crystal Cheng

Crystal Cheng

Crystal Cheng

Undergraduate Student

Crystal Cheng is a third year student pursuing a criminology, law and society specialist combined with a political science and ethics, law and society double minor. She has been involved in various leadership opportunities when she participated in UTM clubs and academic societies. Specifically, she has had experience as an executive member in the Sociology and Criminology Society as well as the Political Science and Pre-Law Society. She was one of the Board of Directors at the UTMSU and has been involved with the Volunteer Note-taking Program from the UTM Accessibility Services as a volunteer note-taker for the previous two years. 

Crystal is a member of the UTM Campus Council for more students' voices to be heard and aid in making decisions that best benefit the student body. After gaining experience from the student union among other academic societies, she is now at the UTM Campus Council to continue her work in advocating for more benefits for students and enhancing campus life. She enjoys a variety of extracurricular activities ranging from playing the piano to figure skating.