February 11, 2021
To the Campus Council,
University of Toronto Scarborough,
Your Committee reports that it met on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 3:10 p.m., in a virtual meeting, with the following members present:
Tayyab Rashid (Chair), Tarun Dewan (Vice-Chair), Wisdom Tettey (Vice-President and Principal USTC), Andrew Arifuzzaman (Chief Administrative Officer), Desmond Pouyat (Dean, Student Experience & Wellbeing), Hamde Abubeker, Philip August, Janet Blakely, Kyle Danielson, Jacqueline Deane, Alexander Irving, Paul Kingston, Daniel Lysak, Sylvia Mittler, Sonja Nikkila, Andrew Tam
Non-voting Assessors:
Jamie Donaldson (Vice-Dean Recruitment, Enrolment & Student Success), Sheila John (Assistant Dean, Health, Wellness, Recreation, Physical Activity & Sport), Jeff Miller (Director, Facilities Management and Capital Projects), Helen Morissette (Director, Financial Services), Nadia Rosemond (Assistant Dean, Co-Curricular Engagement & Student Leadership)
Aileen Cabrera, Ian Cole, Greg Hum (Director, Housing & Residence Life), Tanya Poppleton (Director, Campus Safety), Melinda Scott (Director, Office of the Vice-Provost Students), Fran Wdowczyk (Director, Business Development & Special Advisor to the CAO Operations and Special Projects), Larry Whatmore (Assistant Director, Business Operations)
Emma Thacker (CAC Secretary), Kristi Gourlay (Assistant Secretary of the Governing Council)
William Gough (Vice-Principal Academic & Dean), Rakiya Abdullahi, Monisha Chawla, Obidimma Ezezika, Mark Fitzpatrick, Liben Gebremikael, Ken Howard, Alice Maurice, Naureen Nizam, Jacqueline Sahagian, Deena Yanofsk
- Chair’s Remarks
The Chair, Dr. Tayyab Rashid, welcomed members and guests to the virtual meeting.
- Proposal to Establish an Extra-Departmental Unit D (EDU:D): Centre for Research in Earth System Science (CRESS), UTSC
The Chair invited Professor Mary Silcox, Vice-Dean Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies to present. Professor Silcox provided an overview of the University Extra-Departmental Unit structures. Highlights of the presentation included:- UTSC had established the Centre for Research in Earth System Science (CRESS);
- The Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences (DPES) would provide an intellectual home for the CRESS;
- Professor Julian Lowman was appointed as Director of the CRESS and would be responsible for the administrative and financial operations of the Centre;
- The CRESS had several aims and goals such as:
- creating academic synergies and engaging faculty and graduate students;
- promoting an understanding of Earth and Atmospheric Science;
- providing clarity in distinguishing between human influence and natural cycles on the evolution of our planet;
- increasing the links between undergraduate students enrolled in DPES programs;
- The unit will offer a colloquium series and research opportunities;
- The Centre for Research in Earth System Science (CRESS) became effective as of January 1, 2021.
Members had no questions.
- Annual Report: Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees (CNAIF)
The Chair invited Melinda Scott, Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Students, to present an overview of the Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees Report. Ms Scott stated that fees were categorized into three areas: Campus Service Fees, Cross-Divisional Student Societies, and Divisional Fees. The presentation highlighted two significant changes associated with the fees: the Student Choice Initiative as well as reductions associated with COVID-19. She noted that as a result of the Student Choice Initiative, the fall 2019 session was broken down into optional and mandatory components and fees. After winter 2020, the fees were shown as they were prior to that initiative. With respect to COVID-19, Ms Scott noted that campus services and student societies were invited to review their programs and services and consider any temporary fee reductions that might be appropriate. She referred members to the documentation, which included the original fees as well as the fees reduced in response to COVID-19.
Members had no questions.
- Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees - Student Society Fees: UTSC Student Society Proposals for Fee Increases
The Chair invited Mr. Desmond Pouyat, Dean, Student Experience and Wellbeing to present the item. Mr. Pouyat explained the University’s assumed obligations to students and the oversight role of the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students. He reported that the fee changes requested by the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) were subject to the Policy for Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees and the Policy on Ancillary Fees.
Members had no questions regarding the student fee proposal.
On motion duly made, seconded, and carried,
THAT beginning in the Summer 2021 session, the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) fee be modified as follows: (a) an increase of $7.09 per session ($1.42 part-time) in the UTSC Sports & Recreation Complex Levy portion of the fee;
THAT beginning in the Fall 2021 session, the SCSU fee be modified as follows: (a) continuation of the WUSC Program portion of the fee through the 2021-22 academic period; and subject to confirmation of approval of the following fee increase proposals by the SCSU Board of Directors at its February 2021 (date to be confirmed) meeting,
THAT beginning in the Fall 2021 session, the SCSU fee be modified as follows: (a) an increase of up to $8.23 per session (full-time only) in the Health Plan portion of the fee; (b) an increase of up to $10.40 per session (full-time only) in the Dental Plan portion of the fee; and (c) an increase of up to $0.06 per session (full-time only) in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) portion of the fee.
If approved, the total Fall/Winter SCSU fee will be up to $473.48 per session ($51.40 part-time), charged to all UTSC undergraduate students.
- Operating Plans and Fees: UTSC Office of Student Experience and Wellbeing
The Chair invited Mr. Desmond Pouyat, Dean, Student Experience and Wellbeing, to introduce the item. Mr. Pouyat acknowledged that with the pandemic, students and their families were navigating a different student experience than had been planned and anticipated. He also shared with members some of the initiatives and hires to support the Black student community. He reported that at the pre-vote meeting, the Council on Student Services (CSS) considered fees for Health & Wellness Service, Athletics and Recreation, Career Services, Academic Support and Student Buildings.
Mr. Pouyat invited Nadia Rosemond, Assistant Dean, Co-Curricular Engagement & Student Leadership, to present. Ms Rosemond provided an overview of the priorities and themes (e.g., online engagement and support, virtual campus life, student mental health, supporting Black students/community). She discussed the robust process to approve the operating plan, which is governed by the Protocol on Non-Tuition Fees. She reported a positive recommendation from the CSS and noted that all resolutions had passed. In closing, Ms Rosemond clarified that the Student Experience and Wellness operating plan posed no risk to UTSC’s operating budget or the university budget.
A member asked about the Athletics and Recreation fee given the access situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr Pouyat responded by referring to the previous presentation regarding CNAIF, and noted the current 40% reduction due to COVID-19. He explained that there was no increase, and that decisions had not yet been made regarding future reductions, because the situation was uncertain. Principal Tettey further explained that what was tabled for approval was what the budget would look like assuming all activities resumed next academic year, although if that was not the case, fees would be adjusted again.
On motion duly made, seconded, and carried,
THAT, the 2020-21 operating plans and budgets for the UTSC Student Experience and Wellbeing (including the Health & Wellness Centre, Athletics & Recreation, Career Services, Academic Support, Student Buildings and Other Student Services), as presented in the documentation from Mr. Desmond Pouyat, Dean of Student Experience and Wellbeing, be approved; and
THAT the sessional Health & Wellness Service Fee for a UTSC-registered or UTSC- affiliated full-time student be increased to $77.70 per full-time student per session ($15.54 per part-time student per session); which represents a year over year increase of 0.86 % ($0.66 for full-time student; $0.13 for part-time student);
THAT the sessional Athletics and Recreation Fee for a UTSC-registered or UTSC-affiliated full-time student be increased to $147.29 per full-time student per session ($29.46 per part-time student per session); which represents a year over year increase of 0% ($0 for full-time student; $0 for part-time student);
THAT the sessional Career Services Fee for a UTSC-registered or UTSC- affiliated full-time student be increased to $89.12 per full-time student per session ($17.82 per part-time student per session); which represents a year over year increase of 0.54 % ($0.48 for full-time student; $0.10 for part-time student);
THAT the sessional Academic Support Fee for a UTSC-registered or UTSC- affiliated full-time student be increased to $53.56 per full-time student per session ($10.71 per part-time student per session); which represents a year over year increase of 27.25 % ($11.47 for full-time student; $2.29 for part-time student);
THAT the sessional Student Buildings Fee for a UTSC-registered or UTSC- affiliated full-time student be increased to $34.62 ($6.92 per part-time student per session); which represents a year over year increase of 3.5 % ($1.17 for full-time student; $0.23 for part-time student);
THAT the sessional Other Student Services Fee for a UTSC-registered or UTSC-affiliated full-time student be increased to $20.22 ($4.04 per part-time student per session); which represents a year over year increase of 2.22 % ($0.44 for full-time student; $0.09 for part-time student).
Operating Plans: UTSC Service Ancillaries
The Chair invited Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman, UTSC Chief Administrative Officer, to introduce the item. Mr Arifuzzaman reminded members of the University’s four financial objectives – to operate without subsidy from the University’s operating budget; to provide for all costs of capital renewal including deferred maintenance; to create and maintain an operating reserve; and to contribute net revenues to the operating budget.
Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman invited Mr. Greg Hum (Director, Housing & Residence Life) to present. Mr Hum highlighted several key accomplishments from the ‘Student Housing and Residence Life’ unit, which included: navigating the COVID-19 pandemic; revising the residence programming and residence conduct models; increased collaborations with campus departments to meet the COVID-19 challenges; and the completion of much-needed facilities work. He noted the proposed 5% increase for 2021-22.
Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman invited Ms Fran Wdowczyk (Director, Business Development & Special Advisor to the CAO Operations and Special Projects) to present. Ms Wdowczyk noted the irregular year with respect to COVID-19 and UTSC facility rentals and use. She highlighted several accomplishments from the ‘Retail and Conference Services’ unit which included the introduction of an online summer camp (in place of the on-campus camp), and the continuation of film, television, and commercial shoots on campus. Ms Wdowczyk also highlighted several key accomplishments and projects from the ‘Food and Beverage Services’ unit including: the introduction of an online food ordering app; the introduction of the ‘meal in a box’ program; enhancing student meal experiences through community partnerships; and new campus vending machine offerings. She reported that the Aramark (campus food service provider) agreement and partnership was renewed, and explained that the upcoming year would focus on capital renewal.
Mr. Arifuzzaman highlighted the current objectives of the ‘Parking Services’ ancillaries unit. This included a goal to operate and maintain UTSC’s surface parking lots while building a capital reserve fund to help finance the construction of an above-ground parking structure. He noted the proposed 10% permit fee increase as UTSC transitioned to the new parking structure. He noted that Ms Tanya Poppleton (Director, Campus Safety), was in attendance to answer questions regarding Parking Services.
A member asked about parking facilities during the upcoming proposed construction. Mr. Arifuzzaman responded that there was a plan was in place to provide temporary parking.
A member asked about conference revenue impacts to academic units due to the pandemic. Ms Wdowczyk confirmed that all monies were refunded, and that any previous quotes were honoured.
On motion duly made, seconded, and carried,
THAT the 2021-22 operating plans and budgets for the UTSC Service Ancillary, as summarized in Schedule 1; the Service Ancillary capital budgets as summarized in Schedule 5; and the rates and fees in Schedule 6, as presented in the Service Ancillary Report on Operating Plans dated January 05, 2021, be approved effective May 1, 2021.
Report of the Presidential Assessors
The Chair invited Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman to provide an update. Mr. Arifuzzaman reported that the COVID-19 pandemic had hit the Scarborough community particularly hard. UTSC was working with local health authorities, community organizations, and health services to establish a vaccination clinic on campus. Updates would be provided at the upcoming meeting.
Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 41 – January 11, 2021
The report of the previous meeting was approved.
Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
Date of Next Meeting - March 24, 2021 at 3:10 p.m.
The Chair advised members that the Committee would meet again on March 24, 2021 at 3:10 p.m.
Other Business
A member asked for an update on student transit, given the news that the Scarborough Rapid Transit (SRT) may shut down as early as 2023. Mr. Arifuzzaman agreed that the news was disappointing, however he noted that plans for other transit options were underway, although timelines were still unclear.
The meeting adjourned at 4:41 p.m.
February 24, 2021