Administrative Staff
The definition of “Administrative Staff” below is an extract from the Election Guidelines. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are eligible by consulting the Election Guidelines, which provides more details for this definition and the eligibility criteria.
“Administrative Staff” means the staff-appointed employees of the University, University College, the Constituent Colleges and the Federated Universities who are not members of the Teaching Staff thereof”.
The definition of “Librarian” below is an extract from the Election Guidelines. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are eligible by consulting the Election Guidelines, which provides more details for this definition and the eligibility criteria.
“Librarian” means an employee of the University, University College, the Constituent Colleges and the arts and science faculties of the Federated Universities who hold the rank of Librarian I, Librarian II, Librarian III, or Librarian IV.
Full-Time Undergraduate Student
The definition of “Full-Time Undergraduate Student” and “Student” below is an extract from the Election Guidelines. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are eligible by consulting the Election Guidelines 2023, which provides more details for this definition and the eligibility criteria.
“Full-Time Undergraduate Student” means a Student registered at the University in a program of full-time study leading to a degree or post-secondary diploma or certificate of the University or in a program designated by the Governing Council as a program of post-secondary study at the University who is not registered in the School of Graduate Studies or the Toronto School of Theology. Full-Time Undergraduate Student status will be determined by the definition used in the Student’s academic division. For the purpose of the Governing Council elections, Students at the University of Toronto Scarborough who are registered in a work term will be considered to be Full-Time Undergraduate Students.
“Student” means any person registered at the University for full-time or part-time study in a program that leads to a degree or post-secondary diploma or certificate of the University or in a program designated by the Governing Council as a program of post-secondary study at the University. The Transitional Year Program and the Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program have been designated by the Governing Council as programs of post-secondary study at the University, and, accordingly, a student in either of these programs is considered a “Student” in these Guidelines.
Constituency I
All Full-Time Undergraduate Students registered in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the St. George campus, at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM), or at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). Both members elected in Constituency I may not be registered in the same college on the St. George campus or both registered at UTM or both registered at UTSC. In the event that a member elected while registered in one college or campus later registers in the college in which the other elected member is registered, the transferring member shall resign from the Governing Council.
Constituency II
All Full-Time Undergraduate Students registered in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine (including post-graduate medical trainees), Faculty of Music, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, and Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Both members elected in Constituency II must not be registered in the same faculty or school. In the event that a member elected while registered in one faculty of school later registers in the faculty or school in which the other elected member is registered, the transferring member shall resign from the Governing Council.
Part-Time Undergraduate Student
The definition of “Part-Time Undergraduate Student” and “Student” below is an extract from the Election Guidelines. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are eligible by consulting the Election Guidelines 2023, which provides more details for this definition and the eligibility criteria.
“Part-Time Undergraduate Student” means a Student registered at the University in a program of part-time study leading to a degree or post-secondary diploma or certificate of the University or in a program designated by the Governing Council as a program of post-secondary study at the University who is not registered in the School of Graduate Studies or the Toronto School of Theology. Part-Time Undergraduate Student status will be determined by the definition used in the Student’s academic division.
“Student” means any person registered at the University for full-time or part-time study in a program that leads to a degree or post-secondary diploma or certificate of the University or in a program designated by the Governing Council as a program of post-secondary study at the University. The Transitional Year Program and the Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program have been designated by the Governing Council as programs of post-secondary study at the University, and, accordingly, a student in either of these programs is considered a “Student” in these Guidelines.
Graduate Student
The definition of “Graduate Student” and “Student” below is an extract from the Election Guidelines. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are eligible by consulting the Election Guidelines, which provides more details for this definition and the eligibility criteria.
“Graduate Student” means a Student registered in the School of Graduate Studies.
“Student” means any person registered at the University for full-time or part-time study in a program that leads to a degree or post-secondary diploma or certificate of the University or in a program designated by the Governing Council as a program of post-secondary study at the University. The Transitional Year Program and the Millie Rotman Shime Academic Bridging Program have been designated by the Governing Council as programs of post-secondary study at the University, and, accordingly, a student in either of these programs is considered a “Student” in these Guidelines.
Constituency I
All Students registered in Division I (Humanities) and Division II (Social Sciences) of the School of Graduate Studies.
Constituency II
All Students registered in Division III (Physical Sciences) and Division IV (Life Sciences) of the School of Graduate Studies.
For a list of graduate units within Division I to IV, please refer to:
Teaching Staff
The definition of “Teaching Staff” below is an extract from the Election Guidelines. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are eligible by consulting the Election Guidelines, which provides more details for this definition and the eligibility criteria.
“Teaching Staff” means employees of the University who hold the academic rank of Professor; Associate Professor; Assistant Professor; Professor, Teaching Stream; Associate Professor, Teaching Stream; Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream; Lecturer and Senior Lecturer; Tutor and Senior Tutor; Assistant Professor (Conditional); Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream (Conditional); Sessional Lecturer I, Sessional Lecturer II, Sessional Lecturer III, Athletics Instructor and Senior Athletics Instructor but does not include any part-time lecturer who is registered as a student. For this purpose, “Lecturer” also includes Associates in the Faculty of Dentistry.
Constituency IA
All Teaching Staff members in the Faculty of Arts and Science who hold their major appointments in the Departments of Art History, Classics, East Asian Studies, English, French, Germanic Languages and Literatures, History, Italian Studies, Linguistics, Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, Philosophy, Study of Religion, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Spanish and Portuguese, the Centre for Comparative Literature, the Cinema Studies Institute, the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, the Centre for Medieval Studies, and the Institute for History & Philosophy of Science & Technology (excluding those who are members of Constituency II or III).
Constituency IB
All Teaching Staff members in the Faculty of Arts and Science who hold their major appointments in the Departments of Anthropology, Economics, Geography & Planning, Political Science, Sociology, the Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, the Munk School of Global Affairs, the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources, School of the Environment, the Women and Gender Studies Institute, and Teaching Staff members who hold their major appointments in University College, St Michael's College, New College, Woodsworth College, and Innis College (excluding those who are members of Constituency IA, IC, II or III).
Constituency IC
All Teaching Staff members in the Faculty of Arts and Science who hold their major appointments in the Departments of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Cell and Systems Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Statistical Sciences, the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (excluding those who are members of Constituency II or III).
Constituency II
All Teaching Staff who hold their major appointments at the University of Toronto Mississauga.
Constituency III
All Teaching Staff members who hold their major appointments at the University of Toronto Scarborough.
Constituency IV
All Teaching Staff members who hold their major appointments in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Constituency V
All Teaching Staff members in the Faculty of Medicine. Members elected from the Faculty of Medicine may not be from the same Department within the Faculty.
Constituency VI
All Teaching Staff members who hold their major appointments in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Faculty of Dentistry, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education
Constituency VII
All Teaching Staff members who hold their major appointments in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, Faculty of Information, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Music and the FactorInwentash Faculty of Social Work.
Constituency VIII
All Teaching Staff members who hold their major appointments in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE).