Mitchell T. Bonney

Mitchell T. Bonney

Mitchell T. Bonney


Mitchell T. Bonney is a 4th year PhD candidate in the Department of Geography. Throughout his academic career he has held many positions dedicated to improving the student athlete experience. During his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto (St. George), Mitchell led Victoria College’s coed intramural sports program and sat on the UofT Intramural Council. During his master’s degree at Queen’s University, Mitchell helped run the geography/geology intramural sports program. Now at UTM, Mitchell continues his involvement in athletics as the coach of the UTM ultimate Frisbee team.

During his PhD, Mitchell has also engaged in more general student outreach. He is a site coordinator for Let’s Talk Science, a national science outreach organization focused on K-12 students. He also works with young students as a volunteer at the Riverwood Conservancy Junior Naturalist Club. Mitchell contributes time to organizing events with the Department of Geography, where he was recently recognized with a service award.

Mr. Bonney will begin his second one-year term on the UTM Campus Council as a graduate student, from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.