Report: UTSC Campus Affairs Committee - January 13, 2022



January 13, 2022


To the Campus Council,
University of Toronto Scarborough,

Your Committee reports that it met on Wednesday, January 13, 2022 at 3:10 p.m., in a virtual meeting, with the following members present:

Tayyab Rashid (Chair), Wisdom Tettey (Vice-President and Principal USTC), William A. Gough (Vice-Principal Academic & Dean), Andrew Arifuzzaman (Chief Administrative Officer), Desmond Pouyat (Dean, Student Experience & Wellbeing), Angela Abuel, Philip August, Esma Boztas, Monisha Chawla, Dhra Chourey, Kyle Danielson, Jacqueline M. Deane, Mark Fitzpatrick, Jason Glover, Brian Harrington, David Kwasny, Daniel Lysak, Joseph Peter McNamara, Sylvia Mittler, Naureen Nizam, John Ramdeen, Andrew Tam

Non-voting Assessors: Sheila John, Jeff Miller, Nadia Rosemond, David Zweig

Secretariat: Emma Thacker (Secretary), Kristi Gourlay
Tarun Dewan (Vice-Chair), Jacqueline Deane, Obidimma Ezezika, Alexander Irving, Sylvia Mittler, Sonja Nikkila, Nidhi Shah, Jessica Urbach

Guests: Greg Hum, Varsha Patel


  1. Chair’s Remarks

The Chair, Dr. Tayyab Rashid, welcomed members and guests to the virtual meeting. He provided several reminders about virtual meeting protocols. Principal Tettey noted for members that Desmond Pouyat, Dean of Student Experience and Wellbeing, would be taking a planned leave, returning at the end of the term briefly, and then retiring in June of 2022.  

  1. Capital Project: Retail and Parking Commons, UTSC

The Chair invited Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman (UTSC Chief Administrative Officer) to present the capital project for the Retail and Parking Commons. Mr. Arifuzzaman reported the following highlights:

  • The building was proposed to be constructed on the UTSC north campus, near the Toronto Pan-Am Sports Centre (TPASC).
  • The Retail and Parking Commons would provide 1084 parking spaces which were required to meet a City of Toronto by-law.​
  • The building would become the new location of the UTSC Bookstore​ and the Campus Safety and Parking Services offices.​
  • The building would offer a central loading dock with tunnel connections to new buildings​, a café, central indoor bicycle and scooter storage​, and offer a covered multi-purpose space to be used for the Farmer’s Market, student activities, and as exhibit space​.
  • The building would be designed to be repurposed for residence and/or office space​ as needed;
  • The building design included many sustainable design elements, including low carbon and carbon sequestering building materials.

A member asked how the campus responded to new buildings displacing current parking spots. Mr. Arifuzzaman explained that the parking structure was creating space for other future projects and developments. When parking spaces were consolidated into a single, multi-level structure, the campus footprint was freed up for other key academic projects.

The member asked if there were plans to reduce the carbon footprint of those driving to campus. Mr. Arifuzzaman responded that UTSC would continue to fight and advocate for better transit and continue its work with the City and public transit authorities. Previous City funding had recently been reallocated, and the City’s transit priorities and strategies continued to evolve.  

A member asked about electrifying parking spaces. Andrew reported that the project included 217 electric vehicle charging stations, with electrical capacity to be scaled to accommodate all of the parking spaces with charging stations in the future.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried,  


THAT the Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Retail and Parking Commons at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), dated December 3, 2021, be approved in principle; and,

THAT the project totaling 42,877 gross square metres (gsm), be approved in principle, to be funded through: the UTSC Parking Ancillary Capital Construction Reserve; UTSC Major Capital Project Reserves Fund; UTSC Reserves; and Financing.

  1. Report of the Presidential Assessors

The Chair invited Professor William A. Gough, Vice-Principal Academic & Dean to present his Report.  Professor Gough commented that he had hoped the campus would be back to in-person at the start of the winter session. He noted that many factors and groups were being considered to make decisions, based upon principles, and he acknowledged that decisions to move forward would not be met with agreement by all. Students had been advised that they would be de-enrolled from their in-person component courses shortly, without an uploaded (to UCheck) proof of vaccination. Steps had been taken to reduce the number of large in-person courses, and now, courses with only in-person exams may move fully online if this was the desire of the instructor. While the recent pivot back to online delivery was a disappointment to many, Dean Gough expressed confidence that there would be a return to campus soon, even if delayed.

The Chair invited Andrew Arifuzzaman, to present his report. Mr. Arifuzzaman reported that operationally, the Campus was prepared for a return to campus at end of January and would continue to follow protocols and Public Health standards (e.g., monitoring, ventilation, cleaning). Regarding masks, a tri-campus working group was developing a standards document, which would be made available to the University community. For example, cloth masks were no longer recommended. UTSC had reopened the COVID-19 Testing Centre on campus to reduce pressure on local hospitals.

The Chair invited Desmond Pouyat, to present his report. Dean Pouyat began his report by acknowledging Andrew Arifuzzaman and Professor Gough. He noted their strong working relationship throughout his career and the pandemic. He noted that staff across the Student Experience and Wellbeing portfolio were prepared to return to campus in January, however, were able to swiftly change plans and continued to offer student services online. The student residence population had dropped in the new year and supported over 200 student who stayed in residence over the holiday break. Over 200 student groups were keen to begin activities, however it was noted that some students still had concerns with returning to campus, so a balance of activities was needed.

Dean Pouyat provide an overview of the process for student service fees development, with the Council of Student Services (CSS). Members were reminded that they would review and consider this item in the upcoming governance cycle (4).

  • The CSS was described in the Policy on Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees known as the ‘Protocol’. CSS was the body of students involved in decisions to increase fees.​  
  • Fifteen student members from various student groups form the student membership.  
  • The process included a series of meetings and working groups to ensure broad consultation. The final budget presentation and vote would occur on January 20, 2022.  
  • The Administrative Assessor was permitted by the ‘Protocol’ to invoke a formula (the UTI and CPI Index Fee), should the budget vote fail.  
  • Student Society Fees are first vetted through the Office of the Vice-Provost Students (OVPS) prior to submission to the Campus Affairs Committee, to ensure proposed increases are appropriate and adhere to the rules governing fee increases for the various societies.

A member asked about vaccine exemptions. Dean Gough explained that the vaccine exemption process was handled by the OVPS. This had been communicated to students. The CAC Secretary (Emma Thacker) was asked to send out the University vaccine exemption URL to the member for information.   

4.         Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 45 – October 20, 2021

The report of the previous meeting was approved.

5.         Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.

6.         Date of Next Meeting – February 10, 2022 at 3:10 p.m.

The Chair advised members that the Committee would meet again on February 10, 2022 at 3:10 p.m.

7.         Other Business

Members had no other business.


8.         Capital Project: Retail and Parking Commons, UTSC – Total Project Cost and Sources of Funding

Mr. Andrew Arifuzzaman presented the total project cost and sources of funding.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried,  


THAT the project scope of the Retail and Parking Commons, as identified in the Report of the Project Planning Committee for the Retail and Parking Commons at the University of Toronto Scarborough, dated December 3, 2021, be approved in principle.

The Committee returned to Open Session.

The meeting adjourned at 4:23 p.m.