Shadi Dalili

Shadi Dalili

Shadi Dalili

Teaching Staff

Professor Dalili is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences (DPES). She was first hired as a Lecturer in 2006. She has been a member of the University of Toronto community since 1999, when she started an MSc in Chemistry. Professor Dalili serves on the Departmental Teaching and Curriculum, PTR, and Outreach committees, and has been the supervisor of studies for specialist, major, and currently, all chemistry co-op programs at the UTSC campus. She serves on the Decanal Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and is a familiar face at the Ontario Universities Fair, Fall Campus Day, March Open House, and numerous other outreach events. She promotes the achievements of the UTSC campus as the editor of the DPES Newsletter, and is passionate about her students, who nominated her for the UTSC Faculty Teaching Award twice (2016 & 2017). Shadi is deeply passionate about the success and advancement of our university, as it has been a second home to her for almost 20 years. Professor Dalili teaches 2nd and 4th year organic chemistry courses, and her research interests are in pedagogy and assessing impact of various teaching practices on student learning, as well as developing new technological tools to aid students in mastering course material. She has developed a new Augmented Reality (AR) app (ARchemy) in collaboration with graduate students and computer scientists, to aid chemistry students in visualizing molecules in 3D. They are in the process of publishing this work in educational journals, as well as launching the app for the university community through MADlab at Gernstein library.