Report: UTSC Academic Affairs Committee - September 12, 2024

UTSC Council Chamber, Arts and Administration Building



To the UTSC Campus Council, University of Toronto,

Your Committee reports that it held a meeting in the Council Chamber, Arts and Administration Building, on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 3:10 p.m. with the following members present:

PRESENT: Elaine Khoo (Chair), Rachel Sturge (Vice-Chair), Alison Mountz (Interim Vice-Principal, Research & Innovation), Katie Larson (Vice-Dean Teaching, Learning & Undergraduate Programs), Iris Au, Corinne Beauquis, Dan Bowyer, Jonathan Cant, Andrea Charise, Keith Colaco, Christopher Cochrane, Sébastien Drouin, John Hannigan, Rene Harrison, Lisa Harvey, Randy Lundy, Ainsley Lawson, Karen McCrindle, Jasmine Rault, Hadiya Roderique, Anthony Ruocco, Shennel Simpson, Judith Teichman, Emmanuel Taiwo, Elizabeth O'Brien, Sophia Mastrella, William Nelson, Shelby Verboven, David Zweig

REGRETS: William A. Gough (Acting Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean), Sandya Anand, Georgios Arhonditsis, Sandra Bamford, Joshua Barker, James Bremer, Shelley Brunt, Abhay Chawla, Suzanne Erb, Angela Hamilton, Joseph Hermer, Mariana Jardim, Gillian Mason, Alice Maurice, Sharlene Mollett, Julia Nefsky, Sonja Nikkila, Natalie Oswin, Kamini Persaud, Thy Phu, Mahinda Samarakoon, Suzanne Sicchia, Michelle Silver, Mauricio Terebiznik, Phil Triadafilopoulos, Lianne Tripp, Jessica Wilson, Marco Zimmer-De Iuliis, Niyonta Zulfiquar

NON-VOTING ASSESSORS: Kevin Mak, Varsha Patel

SECRETARIAT: Emma Thacker, Megann Davidson


  1. Chair’s Remarks

    The Chair, Professor Elaine Khoo, welcomed members and guests to the meeting. She introduced the Committee’s Presidential Assessors and members of the administration. Professor Khoo provided an overview of the Committee mandate and several meeting protocols.
  2. Assessor’s Reports
    1. The Chair invited Professor Karin Ruhlandt (Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean) to share her report.

      Dean Ruhlandt had joined the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) recently (July 1) after serving as a faculty member and Dean of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University for eight years. Her priorities had included promoting interdisciplinarity and enhancing the student experience, and she noted that her previous work aligned well with the initiatives at UTSC.

      In her role as Vice Principal Academic and Dean, she oversaw academic and administrative decisions, provided leadership in academic programming and services, and managed faculty appointments and promotions. She consulted with campus members on academic direction and ensured alignment with the broader University of Toronto's initiatives. Her responsibilities included managing the academic budget, addressing high-level academic integrity issues, and issues management efforts. She was working on developing a strategic enrollment plan for UTSC and coordinated with various groups, including Chairs and administrative teams.

      Since joining on July 1, she had focused on getting to know the campus and meeting faculty members. Enhancing the student experience remained a significant focus, with plans to develop a strategic enrollment plan and curriculum enhancements aimed at positive enrollment outcomes for the following year. She highlighted the success of new programming at UTSC and expressed excitement about new programs under development aimed at attracting students and supporting successful career outcomes.
    2. The Chair invited Professor Alison Mountz (Interim Vice-Principal, Research & Innovation) to share her report.

      Professor Alison Mountz welcomed all members back to campus after the summer. She acknowledged the rejuvenating nature of summer, which had also been a busy time for research. She welcomed Dean Karen Ruhlandt and expressed her excitement about future collaborations.

      Significant transitions within the OVPRI office were highlighted, including several new hires, specifically mentioning Professor Andrea Charise as the Acting Associate Vice Principal of Research and Innovation, and Professor Francesco Leri, who had recently joined the Department of Psychology. Francesco Leri was appointed to the position of Associate Vice Principal, Research & Innovation - Research Facilitation & Infrastructure (AVPRI-RFI), effective September 1, 2024.

      She discussed ongoing initiatives, such as the launch of the Sam Ibrahim Center for Inclusive Excellence, which was set to officially open in January 2025. She also mentioned the renewal of the Earth District Consortium, aimed at supporting sustainable energy transitions, and consultations with the new RV to enhance community engagement.

      Professor Mountz noted the support for proposals submitted to the Canadian Foundation for Innovation for new research facilities and shared the outcomes of their recent competition, which funded three interdisciplinary projects. She announced an upcoming new website focused on cross-portfolio research initiatives and emphasized the importance of visiting departments to gather feedback on faculty needs. She concluded by expressing optimism for a successful year ahead.

      Questions and discussion included the following topics:

      Faculty Involvement in Research Initiatives: A member asked about involving teaching-stream faculty in research initiatives. The response highlighted that accessibility to research initiatives had been improved and efforts were continuing to improve, such as allowing all faculty and librarians to apply for internal awards and support for various research activities.

      Student Experience: A graduate student member expressed concerns about the marginalization of students on UTSC campus compared to the St. George campus, particularly regarding access to resources. The response noted ongoing conversations about improving support for graduate student research, with specific programs aimed at enhancing student experiences. Examples included collaborative initiatives with experiential learning and the introduction of research resources for students across campuses. Another comment praised the Environmental Sciences program for its internship and co-op opportunities for graduate students. It was acknowledged that while some opportunities at St. George might not be well communicated, efforts would be made to ensure all students are informed about available resources. It was also mentioned that the Center for Teaching and Learning offered pedagogical support for graduate students and post-doctoral scholars, encouraging them to participate in events and seek assistance.

      Research Support for Black and Indigenous Faculty: A question was raised regarding the reinstatement of a Black faculty research fund and support for Indigenous faculty. Professor Mountz expressed great interest in revisiting the fund and improving research support for Black and Indigenous faculty, including discussions about acquiring resources to facilitate research in remote communities.
  3. Presentation - Overview of the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP)

    The Chair invited Kevin Mak (Academic Programs Officer) to share a presentation about the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP). Highlights of the presentation included:
  • All publicly assisted universities and colleges were subject to a quality assurance process.
  • At U of T this was the UTQAP which outlined protocols for new programs, major modifications, closures, and cyclical review of programs, in conformity with the quality assurance framework for the Province of Ontario.
  • The Office of the Vice Provost, Academic Programs administered the UTQAP.
  • The UTQAP delegated responsibility for minor modifications to the divisions. As such, curriculum change proposals (e.g., new courses, changes to courses) were tabled at the AAC for consideration.
  • Cyclical program review began with a self-study that identified strengths, opportunities and strategic priorities. The review identified recommendations for change, which may then be realized in a revised curriculum, and then monitored through updates halfway between review cycles.
  • External reviews of programs would be brought for information as a final stage of the review to AAC, to keep AAC informed about reviews outcomes, and inviting discussion.

There were no questions.


On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried,


THAT the consent agenda be adopted and that Item 5, the report of the previous meeting, be approved.

  1. Minor Modifications: Undergraduate Curriculum Changes, UTSC (for information)
  2. Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 72 – May 27, 2024 (for approval)
  3. Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting

  1. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 3:10 p.m.

    The Committee would meet again on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 3:10 p.m.
  2. Other Business

    The Chair reported that the upcoming governance by-election included three UTSC Teaching Staff seats: Two seats on the Campus Affairs Committee, and 1 seat on the Academic Board. The nomination period for the election opened on September 16 and closed on September 22, 2024.

The meeting adjourned at 4:08 p.m.

September 24, 2024