APRIL 19, 2023
To the Governing Council,
University of Toronto,
Your Board reports that it met on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber with the following members present:
Vikram Chadalawada (Chair), David Newman (Executive Director, Student Experience), Faraz Alidina, Matthew Benoit*, Neil Chakraborty, Tarun Dewan, Susan Froom, Sherry Kulman, K. Sonu Gaind*, Indi Gopinathan*, Syeda Hasan, Summer Hart*, Natasha Hanif, Madeline Kalda, Clayon Levy, Ana Kanza Tariq*, Geeta Yadav
Non-Voting Assessors:
Neel Joshi (Dean of Student Experience & Wellbeing)*
Melinda Scott (Executive Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Students)
Joanne Chou (Secretary)
Robert Gerlai, Gretchen Kerr, Kikelomo Lawal, Dave Lehto, Mark Overton, David Zingg
Guests in Attendance:
Heather Boon (Acting Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity and Culture), Ben Poynton (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)), Chad Nuttall (Assistant Dean of Students and International Initiatives, UTM), Josh Haas (Coordinator, Student Policy Initiatives, OVPS), Levi Clarkson (University of Toronto Graduate Students' Union), Nawa Tahir (The Varsity), Lexey Burns (The Varsity), Kyle Newcombe (Innis Residence Council), Raia Ottenheimer (Innis Residence Council), Dean Yu (Innis Residence Council), Michelle Pettis (Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students), Noah Guerin (Engineering Society), Allison Burgess (Division of People Strategy, Equity & Culture), Odelia Bempah (International Student Experience Team), Artie Kronenfeld (The Varsity)
*attended remotely
Pursuant to section 33(i) of By-Law Number 2, item 10 was considered in camera.
- Chair’s Remarks
The Chair of the University Affairs Board welcomed members and guests. He announced that that the Board had approved the senior appointment of Sherry Kulman be extended as Interim Warden, Hart house, from April 1, 2023 to July 3, 2023, or until the new Warden of Hart House was appointed via E-Ballot.
- Reports of the Senior Assessor
Professor Welsh did not have anything to report and wished the students well for their exams.
Annual Report: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) (2021-2022)
The Board received a presentation of the Annual Report: Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2022-23 from Professor Heather Boon, Acting Vice-President, People Strategy, Equity and Culture, and Ben Poynton, AODA Office for the University. The report was also presented to the Planning and Budget Committee on April 12, 2023, for information.
Following introductory remarks from Professor Boon, Mr. Poynton provided a summary of the report. He noted that the report focused on the University’s commitment to enhancing supports to students with lived experience of disability, (including mental health challenges); building the community’s understanding of universal design; embracing new standards and best practices; embedding accessibility into institutional activities; creating accessible physical spaces and structures; and centering the lived experience of disability.
As part of his presentation, Mr. Poynton highlighted specific successes throughout the year towards these areas of focus. He also provided an overview of the AODA Plan which outlined planned initiatives to realize the potential of a universally designed, barrier-free University.
Mr. Poynton outlined the following priorities for 2023 for the AODA Office:
- continue to lead the University’s understanding of current AODA requirements as well as its broader commitments to accessibility;
- provide guidance on new requirements that may arise from recommendations made to the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility by the Post-Secondary Education Standards Development Committee which identified 8 areas of barriers faced by students with lived experience of disability and which urged the post-secondary sector to support experiences of belonging;
- engage with provincial government as they review these recommendations and make legislative changes; and
- prepare a resource guide documenting the conversations from the National Dialogues and Action for Inclusive Higher Education and Communities (December 2022) event and summarizing key learnings for the University community and peer institutions.
In reply to a member’s question about the challenges of mobility issues during inclement weather, Mr. Poynton responded that they did have a relationship with the different municipalities and would be working towards improving snow clearing supports.
The Chair thanked Professor Boon and Mr. Poynton for their presentation.
Student Societies: Report on Financial Statements and Internal Auditor’s Opinion
Professor Welsh provided an overview of the Report on Financial Statements and Internal Auditor’s Opinion. She noted that there was a slightly higher number of pending audit exemptions than in previous years as a result of challenges experienced by several student societies as they have resumed their activities in the wake of the pandemic.
All outstanding 2020-21 financial statements had been received with the exception of the Faculty of Music Undergraduate Association; the Graduate Architecture, Landscape and Design Student Union; the Undergraduate Pharmacy Society; and the University of Toronto Mississauga Athletic Council. These societies had requested assistance owing to extenuating circumstances and support had been provided.
Professor Welsh reported that the respective student life offices on each campus would continue to work with student societies to ensure that the requirements of the Policy for Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees were met. Fees would be withheld from societies until the relevant financial reporting requirements were satisfied.
Professor Welsh thanked Josh Hass, Coordinator, Student Policy Initiatives for his work in the role.
Members had no questions.
Student Societies: Requests for Fee Increases
Professor Welsh began by thanking the student society leaders from across the three campuses regarding their re-engagement efforts to their members, and the re-establishment of their organizational structures due to the pandemic. She highlighted the continued excellent service and support provided to their members.
Professor Welsh noted that fee increases for student societies was an annual item of business for the Board. Changes in student society fees were subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the Policy for Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees, the Handbook for Student Societies, and the societies’ own constitutions and/or by-laws. In general, all requests for student society fee increases must be supported by constitutional and fair processes within student societies.
University of Toronto Mississauga
There were no questions or comments regarding the request for fee increases from the University of Toronto, Mississauga. The request for fee increases from student societies from the University of Toronto, Mississauga were received for information.
University of Toronto Scarborough
There were no questions or comments regarding the request for fee increases from the University of Toronto, Scarborough. The request for fee increases from student societies from the University of Toronto, Scarborough were received for information.
University of Toronto, St. George
Professor Welsh provided an overview of the request for student society fee increases from the University of Toronto, St. George. She reported that no complaints had been received by the administration with respect to the fee increase requests.
She also reported for the Board’s information on three student fee decreases associated with the Engineering Society. Due to unsuccessful referenda, the Blue Sky Solar Racing Team fee of $3.20 per fall/winter session and the Robotics Association fee of $2.50 per fall/winter session would both be discontinued after Winter 2023. The Hyperloop Team fee of $1.35 per fall/winter would also be discontinued after Winter 2023 as the student society affiliate did not seek renewal of the fee.
In response to a member’s question about fee increases for the graduate student health and dental increases, Professor Welsh commented that changes in student society fees were subject to the terms and conditions in accordance with the policy and their societies’ constitutions of bylaws. She noted that the fee increase was conducted in alignment with the terms of the original referendum question and UTGSU bylaws.
A representative from UTGSU commented that the increase was related to the enhanced mental health coverage.
On motion duly made, seconded, and carried,
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of $7.81 per fall and winter session in the Health Plan portion of the fee;
(b) an increase of $6.02 per fall and winter session in the Dental Plan portion of the fee; and
(c) an increase of $0.28 per session in the Canadian Federation of Students portion of the fee.
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the Engineering Society fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of $1.70 per fall and winter session in the society portion of the fee ($1.60 for part-time students);
(b) the continuation of, and an increase of $0.30 per fall and winter session in, the Aerospace Team portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(c) the continuation of, and an increase of $0.37 per fall and winter session in, the Concrete Canoe Team portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(d) the continuation of the Concrete Toboggan Team portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(e) the continuation of, and an increase of $0.01 per fall session and $0.02 per winter session in, the Engineering Student Societies' Council of Ontario portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time and part-time);
(f) the continuation of the Engineers in Action portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(g) the continuation of the Engineers Without Borders portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(h) the continuation of, and an increase of $1.20 per fall and winter session in, the Formula SAE Racing Team portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(i) the establishment of $1.00 per fall and winter session in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(j) the continuation of, and an increase of $0.25 per fall and winter session in, the Robotics for Space Exploration portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(k) the establishment of $1.42 per fall and winter session in the Seismic Design Team portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only);
(l) the establishment of $1.75 per fall and winter session in the Supermileage Team portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only); and
(m) the establishment of $1.55 per fall and winter session in the UTWind portion of the fee through 2024-25 (full-time only).
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the Innis College Student Society fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of $1.62 per fall and winter session in the society portion of the fee (full-time and part-time); and
(b) an increase of $3.06 per fall and winter session in the Innis College Orientation portion of the fee (first-year students only; full-time and part-time).
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of $1.70 per session in the society portion of the fee ($0.85 for part-time students);
(b) an increase of $36.86 per fall and winter session in the Health Plan portion of the fee (full-time and part-time);
(c) an increase of $12.76 per fall session and $12.75 per winter session in the Dental Plan portion of the fee (full-time and part-time);
(d) an increase of $0.03 per fall session and $0.04 per winter session in the Bikechain portion of the fee ($0.02 per fall and summer session, and $0.01 per winter session, for part-time students);
(e) an increase of $0.58 per fall session and $0.57 per winter session in the Canadian Federation of Students portion of the fee ($0.29 per fall and winter session, and $0.58 per summer session, for part-time students); and
(f) an increase of $0.03 per fall session and $0.04 per winter session in the Sexual Education Centre portion of the fee ($0.01 per fall session and $0.02 per winter session for part-time students).
THAT, subject to confirmation of approval by the UTGSU Board of Directors, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the University of Toronto Graduate Students’ Union fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of up to $0.18 per session in the Centre for Social Justice - OPIRG portion of the fee (up to $0.09 for part-time students).
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the University of Toronto Students’ Union (legally, the Students’ Administrative Council) fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of $1.26 per session in the society portion of the fee;
(b) an increase of $3.57 per fall and winter session in the Health Plan portion of the fee;
(c) an increase of $2.99 per fall and winter session in the Dental Plan portion of the fee;
(d) an increase of $0.03 per session in the Bikechain portion of the fee;
(e) an increase of $0.56 per session in the Canadian Federation of Students portion of the fee
(f) the establishment of $2.00 per session in the Community Housing & Employment Support Services portion of the fee;
(g) an increase of $0.21 per session in the Downtown Legal Services portion of the fee; and
(h) an increase of $1.12 per session in the Student Refugee Program portion of the fee.
THAT, beginning in the Winter 2024 session, the University of Toronto Students’ Union (legally, the Students’ Administrative Council) fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of $0.48 per session in the Student Commons Capital Levy portion of the fee; and
(b) an increase of $0.79 per session in the Student Commons Operating Levy portion of the fee.
THAT, beginning in the Fall 2023 session, the Varsity Publications fee be modified as follows:
(a) an increase of $0.05 per session in the society fee (graduate); and
(b) an increase of $0.18 per session in the society fee (undergraduate).
On motion duly moved, seconded, and carried
THAT the consent agenda be adopted and Item 6 be approved.
Report of the Previous Meeting: Report Number 233, March 1, 2023
The report of the previous meeting was approved.
Business Arising from the Report of the Previous Meeting
There was no business arising from the report of the previous meeting.
Date of Next Meeting: May 31, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
The Chair confirmed that the next meeting would be held on May 31, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
- Other Business
Members had no questions.
The Board moved IN CAMERA.
Senior Appointment
On motion duly made, seconded and carriedIT WAS RESOLVED
THAT David Kim be appointed as Warden, Hart House for a five-year term beginning June 5, 2023, until June 9, 2028.
The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
April 25, 2023