University of Toronto Governing Council
Statement on the Roles of the Constituent and Federated Colleges
July 1, 2008
To request an official copy of this policy, contact:
The Office of the Governing Council Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King’s College Circle University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1
Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182
Statement on the Roles of the Constituent and Federated Colleges
The Constituent and Federated Arts Colleges 1 ("Colleges") are intellectual and social communities of students, faculty and staff which contribute to the advancement of learning at the University of Toronto. They provide opportunities for personal learning and friendships, making it possible for members of the University of Toronto to enjoy the advantages of both a small college and Canada's largest urban research university. The college system is one ofthe distinctive features ofthe St. George campus. Every Arts and Science student is a member of a College, whether in residence or not.
Each College has its own history and culture. University College was established in 1853; Victoria College of Victoria University federated with the University of Toronto in 1890, and Trinity and St.Michael's Colleges followed suit in the early 1900s. New College and Innis College were founded in the early 1960s, and Woodsworth College a decade later.
The Colleges play a role in education in its broadest sense. Each College houses specific academic programs that bring together scholars from different disciplines and function as catalysts for intellectual interaction. The teaching role of the Colleges includes organizing and sponsoring programs of study, certificate and diploma programs, and College courses. Requirements for programs of study are approved through the processes of the University. In addition to offering their own programs, the Colleges supplement other formal programs of the University with their library resources and with academic services and other activities that promote and improve the skills necessary to academic study.
While the Colleges are engaged primarily with the Faculty of Arts and Science, they contribute to the University across all divisions and campuses.
Colleges provide rich environments for the pursuit of scholarship, particularly in first year and interdisciplinary programs. They provide extensive opportunities for undergraduate student engagement in research, and increasingly, support for graduate education in some areas with participating academic divisions. While traditionally the Colleges focused on the humanities, and that remains their strongest area, they have developed programs in the social sciences and continue to reach out to the sciences and other disciplines.
The Colleges are key contributors in enabling student engagement, success and satisfaction with their university experience. The Colleges participate in the recruitment of students to the Faculty of Arts and Science and the University. They offer registrarial and student life services, and cultural and social activities; they provide residence spaces and welcome international students. Each College offers its own scholarships, bursaries and grants. The Colleges have a specific, though not exclusive, responsibility for the nurture of undergraduate students, particularly at stages oftransition to, within, and from the University, and play an important role in the development and delivery of advising servtces.
1 The Federated Colleges are St. Michael's, Trinity and Victoria; the Constituent Colleges are Innis, New, University and Woodsworth. For the Federated Colleges, the respective Federation Framework Agreement takes precedence if necessary over this Statement.
Statement on the Roles of the Constituent and Federated Colleges
Each College defines Fellowship in accordance with its own traditions and ethos. Fellowship provides opportunities for faculty to be engaged with those from other disciplines and can play a significant role in recruitment and retention of faculty. The presence of Fellows also enhances the student experience with the Colleges. Colleges encourage other forms of College affiliation for members of the University who are not Fellows.
College Principals have a reporting relationship to the Vice-President and Provost of the University of Toronto in their capacity as heads of academic units in the University. The Principals also report on behalf of their programs to the Dean of a Faculty or School under whose aegis a College program is offered in a capacity equivalent to that of department chairs.
For purposes of implementation of this Statement, the Principals of the Constituent and Federated Colleges and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science will collaborate to develop procedures to confirm their respective roles. These procedures are recommended to the Vice-President and Provost.
Approved by Governing Council on June 23, 2008, effective as of July 1, 2008.