Purchasing Flowers & Frames

Image of Flower Bouquet Premium Red Bouquet.


Convocation bouquets of all sizes and colours are available for convocation. It is highly recommended to to pre-order your bouquet to avoid disappointment. Please go to Convocation Flowers to place your advance order. Limited quantities of bouquets will also be available for purchase on site during the ceremonies (outside Convocation Hall).

Look for the flower booth to collect pre-ordered bouquets or to make an on site purchase (cash, debit, or credit card accepted).

Flowers are not worn or carried in the Procession or in Convocation Hall by members of the graduating classes. They may be presented to the graduate after the ceremony. We regret that the University has no facilities for receiving flower deliveries.

Diploma Frame Diploma Frame

Frames and Gifts

The UofT Bookstore sells official University of Toronto diploma frames and Class of 2024 gifts including grad bears, Class of 2024 apparel bundles, alumni merchandise, and more.

The UofT Bookstore also offers a free, on-the-spot framing service with the purchase of any diploma or portrait frame year-round. 

The UofT Bookstore is located a short distance from Convocation Hall at 214 College Street and will have extended hours during the Convocation period to offer service before and after ceremonies. To view hours or make purchases online, visit the UofT Bookstore for details.