Internal Audit

Internal Audit Department

Internal Auditing is a service provided to an organization with the purpose of independently examining and assessing organizational activities for risk.  

At the University, the objectives of Internal Audit include promoting effective and efficient administration in support of the University’s academic mission as well as assisting stakeholders in the effective discharge of their responsibilities (i.e. Audit Committee members, senior leadership, management). 

The services we deliver include reviews of compliance with internal requirements; assessments of internal controls, operations and information systems; and other matters that may be requested by management/leadership. 

Internal Audit staff are all designated members of key governing bodies that provide direction and guidance for our assurance and advisory activities and support our ability to advocate and promote high-quality, independent professional practices.


Promote the University’s culture of integrity, accountability, and administrative efficiency.


Provide assurance to management and the Audit Committee about the effectiveness and efficiency of the business processes and administrative operations that contribute to the achievement of the University’s mission.


Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the University’s system of internal controls and risk management processes.