Policies & Procedures

 Scholarship Program for Dependants
of Faculty Members and Librarians

March 7, 1994

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182
Website: http://www.utoronto.ca/govcncl/




Value of Scholarship



Duration of the Scholarship Program


Expiry of Policy



This full-time studies Scholarship Program is meant to replace the tuition waiver program currently in effect for dependants of faculty members and librarians; however, the tuition waiver program shall remain in force for the purpose of part-time studies.


Scholarships shall be awarded by the University of Toronto to eligible students who are dependants of faculty members and librarians and who are enrolled in an eligible program of study at an eligible institution

Value of Scholarship

The scholarship awarded to those who qualify shall, in each year, be an amount equal to one-half of the amount of the tuition for Arts and Science at the University of Toronto in that same year, excepting that, where the eligible faculty member or librarian holds an appointment of less than 76% FTE, but greater than 24% FTE, the ordinary amount shall be pro-rated to the actual FTE.


"Dependant" means a son, step-son, daughter, step-daughter or spouse of a faculty member or librarian.

"Eligible Faculty Member or Librarian" means a faculty member or librarian who holds a regular staff appointment, whether full-time, part-time of 25% or more, or sessional.

"Eligible Institution" means any four-year-degree-granting institution (or its equivalent if the institution is outside North America) which is recognized by the University at Toronto for transfer credit purposes.

"Eligible Program of Study" means a program of study leading to a first undergraduate degree or certificate and which does not require prior undergraduate preparation.

"Eligible Student" means a student who is the dependant of a faculty member or librarian and who is enrolled as a full-time student in an eligible institution in an eligible program of study and who:

(a) having attained at least an 80% average in the student’s best six OAC mid-term or final marks or the equivalent standing outside Ontario, is enrolling in the first year of studies ("Admission Scholarship"); or

(b) has attained an average of at least B in the student’s most recent year of eligible program of studies ("In-program Scholarship"); or

(c) having been granted a scholarship under this program in the previous year, continues to be eligible to proceed in the student’s eligible program of study and who is not on academic probation ("Continuing Scholarship").

"Spouse" means a person who is living with the faculty member or librarian in a conjugal relationship, whether or not the persons are legally married to each other, and includes persons who are of the same sex or of the opposite sex of the faculty member or librarian.


1. For the student seeking an Admission Scholarship, the student shall submit an application and a transcript of marks to Admissions and Awards at the time the student makes application for admission to one or more eligible institutions in an eligible program. The student is entitled to submit further transcripts in the event that the first transcript submitted does not qualify the student for the scholarship but a later one does.

2. For the student seeking an In-program Scholarship, the student shall submit an application and a transcript of the student’s final marks for the most recent year of eligible program of studies.

3. For the student seeking a Continuing Scholarship, the student shall submit a transcript of the student’s marks in the most recent year of studies or such other evidence as may demonstrate that the student meets the criteria.

4. If the student qualifies for a scholarship, the University of Toronto shall issue a cheque payable to the student in the amount of the scholarship upon submission by the student of evidence that the student is in full-time attendance at an eligible institution.

5. For the student enrolled at the University of Toronto (including the University of Toronto student studying elsewhere under an exchange program), the value of the scholarship shall be credited to the student’s fees account.

Duration of the Scholarship Program

The Scholarship Program shall be in effect for an initial period of five years, commencing with the academic year 1994-95.


All students who are receiving a tuition waiver for the academic year 1993-94 shall be allowed to continue to receive the tuition waiver so long as they continue to qualify for it. Nothing prevents the student, however, from applying for the scholarship outlined in this document. Should a student apply for and be granted the scholarship, however, the student extinguishes all rights to receive the tuition waiver so long as the Scholarship Program is in force.

Expiry of Policy

In the event that the Scholarship Program is not continued after the initial period, all students who are already receiving the scholarships shall be permitted to continue to receive the scholarships (provided they continue to otherwise qualify) on the terms set out in this Policy. Moreover, the tuition waiver Policy shall immediately be re-instated as a benefit for all faculty members and librarians (although no dependant shall receive in the same year both a tuition waiver and a scholarship awarded under this Program).

Presented to the Board by


Michael G. Finlayson
Vice-President, Human Resources

March 7, 1994


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