Policies & Procedures

 Policy on
Auditing of Courses

October 20, 1994

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:
The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

Table of Contents

Priority for Access to Courses
Divisional Discretion
Certificates of Attendance

An auditor may attend lectures and other class meetings, to take part in class discussions, and receive written confirmation of attendance. An auditor will not receive evaluations of participation, and will not be allowed to submit assignments or write examinations and tests, except by special and express permission. The University's Code of Student Conduct will apply to auditors.

Priority for Access to Courses
In all cases, students registered in the University will have priority over students who are not registered. Consideration for access to courses as auditors will be given in the following order:

In all cases students registered in the University who wish to audit courses have priority over students who are not registered in the University.

Registered students who wish to audit

1. Students who are registered and who are counselled to audit a course have priority over students who seek to audit without counselling or other academic endorsement.

2. Students registered in the University and in the faculty in which the course will be audited have priority over registered students from other faculties.

3. Students who are registered in the University or who have graduated from the University, and who are counselled to audit a course have priority over students who seek to audit without counselling or other academic endorsement, and over other applicants for admission who wish to audit courses.

Non-registered students who wish to audit

4. Students from other universities who are counselled to audit a course have priority over students who seek to audit without counselling or other academic endorsement.

5. All other persons who wish to audit.

Divisional Discretion
1. No faculty, school, or college is required to make courses accessible by any individual as an auditor except when it has counselled a registered student to audit the course.

2. If a faculty, school, or college does make courses accessible by auditors, it will follow this policy, and may restrict access to:

a. Student registered in the faculty, school, or college.

b. Students registered in the University.

c. Students who do not wish to receive Certificates of Attendance.

3. If a faculty, school, or college decides to make courses accessible by auditors, the final determination of whether or not a person should be allowed to audit and whether or not space is available for an auditor in the course will be made by the instructor, except when the course has been formally filled.

4. If a faculty, school, or college decides not to make courses accessible by auditors, instructors do not have discretion to allow auditing in their individual courses.

Certificates of Attendance
1. A faculty, school, or college may issue Certificates of Attendance to auditors who have attended at least 75 per cent of the meetings of the class.

2. Students who wish to receive a Certificate of Attendance must accordingly notify the instructor in writing at or before the first meeting of the class, otherwise the faculty, school, or college is under no obligation to issue a certificate.

3. Records of attendance must be kept for students who wish to receive a Certificate of Attendance.

4. No credit will be given for a Certificate of Attendance if an auditor later registers or re-registers in the course or in the University. Certificates of Attendance will not be part of the Official Student Academic Record.

5. Certificates of Attendance may be issued only once. Replacements will not be issued.

1. Students registered in the University and employees of the University will not be charged an audit fee for auditing except in cases where Certificates of Attendance are requested.

2. Auditors who are not registered in the University or are not employees of the University will be charged an audit fee at a minimum of 40 per cent of the respective tuition fee for registered students, as will students who are registered in the University and employees of the University who request Certificates of Attendance.

3. Revenue from auditing fees will be divisional income, and will be collected by the division.

4. All auditors will be charged the same administrative user fees and cost-recovery fees as registered students. Costs of supplies, field trips, and any costs and incidental expenses shall be met by all auditors even in cases where University and Ministry policies prohibit such fees for registered students.

5. The auditing fee is for auditing only. Non-registered students who wish to use other University services (for example, the University of Toronto Library) may have access to them on terms normally available to members of the community at large.

6. Audit fees must be paid by October 1, February 1, and July 1 in each session respectively. Audit fees will not be refunded.

 September 8, 1994

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