Policies & Procedures

Association, Admission and Registration

June 7, 1979

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:
The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

Table of Contents

  • to clarify certain administrative concepts, processes and states which relate to programs of study, academic divisions, and students,
  • to record current practices with respect to these processes and states,
  • to identify the common elements underlying these procedures in all academic divisions,
  • to provide a framework according to which the central student record system should be designed. 

1. Program of Study

A program of study (or program) is a sequence of prescribed courses or other units of study for the fulfilment of the requirements of a particular degree, diploma or certificate, or a program designated by the Governing Council as a program of study at the University.

A number of programs of study can lead to the same degree (e.g. Ph.D.). As well, one program of study (e.g. the New Program in Arts and Science) can lead to different degrees.

2. Academic Division

An academic division is a college, school, faculty, or other division of the University that has academic autonomy subject only to the authority of the Governing Council as exercised by the President and/or the Vice-President and Provost. Programs of study are offered and administered by academic divisions.

3. Association with a Program

Association with a program refers to the relationship between a person and a program of study at the University.

The term "associated" refers to the status of a person who has established a relationship with a program of study at the University. A person may be associated with more than one program of study at the same time.

There are two processes which bear on the concept of association with a program: admission and registration. The former is the means by which the association is started; the latter is the means by which the association is made active.

In the following subsections, we will elaborate on these concepts.

3.1.0. Commencement of an Association with a Program
is the process initiated by a person through which the University allows that person to establish an association with a program of study and by which that person is granted the eligibility to register in a program of study in an academic division of the University.

The term "admitted" refers to the status of a person with whom an academic division has accepted an association with a program of study.

The admitted status remains in effect until the occurrence of one of the following events:

(a) revocation or rescission of the admitted status of the person, according to University regulations;

(b) the acquisition by the admitted person of the registered status;

(c) the end of the registration period in the academic period for which eligibility to register was offered, being a date specified by the academic division. If eligibility to register was granted to more than one period, then the later date would apply.

3.2.0. Nature of an Association with a Program
A person's association with a program is continuous with time, but can alternate between active or inactive states.

3.2.1. Active Association
Academic period (or period) refers to the unit of time used by academic divisions to organize their academic activities. The two most common periods used are "term" and "session". Their durations are determined by divisional practice.

Registration is the process by which a person established, for an academic period, an active association with a program of study.

The term "registered" refers to the status of a person who has completed the process of registration. The University of Toronto Act, 1971 refers to registered persons as students.

The registered status remains in effect until the occurrence of one of the following events:

(a) the end of the academic period for which the registration occurred, being a date specified by the academic division;

(b) termination before the end of the academic period by action of the division according to divisional academic regulations;

(c) termination before the end of the academic period by action of the student in accordance with the regulations of the division and by means of a writing signed by the student or on his behalf, in a form prescribed by the division, and accepted and recorded by it;

(d) revocation or rescission of the registered status of the student, according to University regulations;

(e) suspension or expulsion of the student by a University tribunal or other body having jurisdiction.

While registered, it is assumed that a student is engaged in some academic activity related to his program of study.

Enrolment is the approved engagement by a student in a course or other unit or component of a program of study.

3.2.2. Inactive Association
A person is considered to have an inactive association with a program when he/she is not registered in that program of study in an academic period. In this state, a person may be either:

  • eligible to register;
  • ineligible to register for a stated period, e.g. three-year suspension.

3.3.0. Duration of Association with a Program
The fulfillment of the requirements for a particular diploma, degree, or certificate often requires a student's active association in more than one academic period. In this event, a student must register at the commencement of each period. A student's eligibility to register for succeeding periods is determined by University regulations.

An association with a program remains in effect until the occurrence of one of the following events:

  • successful completion by a student of the program of study;
  • time limit allowed by an academic division for inactive association has expired;
  • termination by action of the division according to divisional academic regulations, e.g. refused further registration;
  • the expiration of an admitted status which has not been converted to a registered status;
  • termination according to University regulations (referred to Governing Council);
  • suspension or expulsion of the student by a University tribunal or other body having jurisdiction (referred to Governing Council).


1. That the University's central administration recommend to Governing Council to endorse the document on Association, Admission and Registration.

2. That central administration recommend to Governing Council to approve the following:

  • recognizing that the process of admission and the forms involved therein vary from one academic division to another, all divisions must have an application form which includes at least a certification by the applicant that all statements in the application and in any material filed therewith or in support thereof are true, correct and complete in all material particulars and that all material information has been disclosed, with an acknowledgment that the applicant understands that if the University finds to the contrary, the applicant's association with a program and his or her eligibility to register therein may be rescinded and revoked.
  • recognizing that the process of registration and the forms involved therein vary from one academic division to another, all divisions must have a registration form which includes at least a certification by the registrant that upon the completion of registration he or she will abide by the academic, non-academic, administrative, library, disciplinary and other rules and regulations of the University and of the division in which he or she is registered, and will assume the obligation to pay academic and incidental fees according to the policies and requirements of the University or, if registered in a federated university or a federated college, of that university or college.

3. That central administration suggest to academic divisions that they consider the imposition of a requirement for a minimum level of academic activity if a student is to maintain his/her registered status.

4. That central administration review, with respect to persons whose association with a program is inactive,

  • their rights to use academic and student services such as the library, the computer, health services, and athletic facilities;
  • their eligibility to vote in Governing Council elections;
  • what jurisdiction the University Academic Tribunal and the CAPUT have over such persons.

5. That central administration note that present policy provides that persons who have completed the equivalent of one year full-time studies towards a degree, diploma, or certificate, but whose association with a program is inactive or has terminated, are considered "alumni" by the University of Toronto Act.

April 30, 1979

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