Policies & Procedures

 Policy on Ancillary Fees

Updated April 17, 1995

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

Table of Contents

1.0 Student services provided by the University

2.0 Student organizations, and services provided by such organizations

3.0 Student levies for specific, limited projects

4.0 Academic surcharges for extraordinary cost

5.0 Cost recoveries

6.0 Administrative user fees and fines

7.0 General Program Support

8.0 System Wide Fees

In addition to the Tuition Fee Schedule, there shall be a Schedule of Ancillary Fees. The schedule will be organized as follows:

1.0 Student services provided by the University 1

1.1 Student services
1.2 Health services
1.3 Athletics
1.4 Hart House
1.5 Constituent College fees (excludes college library fees which are prohibited)

1.All fees in this category are compulsory. The Ministry of Education and Training's Compulsory Ancillary Fee Policy requires that protocols be established in order to increase or add new fees to this category.

2.0 Student organizations and services provided by such organizations 2

2.1 Student society fees including any portion thereof in support of student initiated health plans and communications.
2.2 Social and cultural services (excluding Hart House)
2.3 Other fees levied by student organizations to cover the costs of operating the organizations or services provided by them. The University may act as a collection agent for the student organization, but the fees will be passed directly to the respective student organizations.

2. In accordance with the Ministry of Education and Training's Compulsory Ancillary Fee Policy fees established by student governments, including those resulting from referenda sponsored by them are excluded from the protocol requirement.

3.0 Student levies for specific, limited projects 3

Student organizations may establish levies for specific, limited projects within the University which are designated by them.

The University may act as a collection agent for the student organization, but the fees will either be passed directly to the respective student organization or to a restricted account for the purpose(s) designated by the organization.

3. Such fees must be approved by student referenda as required by the Ministry Education and Training's Compulsory Ancillary Fee Policy. These fees are exempt from the protocol requirement of the Ministry's policy.

4.0 Academic surcharges for extraordinary cost

4.1 Studio Fees

4.2 Cinema Screening Fees

4.3 Laundry

4.4 Computing Fees

Compulsory ancillary fees normally may not be levied for these services. The only exception may be for extra services beyond those normally provided and required by a degree program or course, as for example when additional computing time is made available to students at their option.

All fees in Categories 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 that are compulsory will be governed by the University's Policy on Compulsory Non-Academic Incidental Fees. The application of the Policy will not preclude the assignment of Category 3.0 student levies for specific, limited projects to academic purposes.

5.0 Cost recoveries 4

5.1 Publications, case studies, laboratory manuals
5.2 Field trips
5.3 Clothing
5.4 Equipment purchases that become the property of students.
5.5 Equipment rentals that, for the period of the rental, come into the individual possession of students.
5.6 Other goods and services provided individually to students for their exclusive use. Charges for various forms of non-credit remedial instruction, if provided, may be included here.
5.7 Materials, services, or licenses where the University acts as a broker with a vendor for the students 5

Fees charged to recover costs must relate to those costs, and may not exceed them, or a reasonable estimate of them. The only cost recoveries that may be charged are those shown on the University Schedule of Cost Recovery Fees, which initially shall be the list of cost recoveries shown in the University's submission to the Ministry of Training & Education, February 16, 1987. The fees shown on the Schedule may be adjusted annually by administrative authority (the Vice-Provost and Assistant Vice-President (Planning & Budget)) provided that the adjustments relate to changes in cost, and are for goods and services that comply with the Policy on Ancillary Fees. All changes shall be reported annually to the Business Board for information.

4. Such fees, whether or not they are compulsory, are exempt from the Ministry of Education and Training's Compulsory Ancillary Fee Policy protocol requirement.

5. This is a new category introduced by the Ministry of Education and Training policy. For the University of Toronto, this category replicates Category 5.4.

6.0 Administrative user fees and fines 6

6.1 Registration fees
6.2 Records and documents (excluding diplomas and certificates, for which no fee may be charged except for replacements)
6.3 Examination and grades (excluding initial grade reports, for which no fee may be charged)
6.4 Co-op program placement fees
6.5 Library fines
6.6 Other administrative user fees or fines shown on the University Schedule of Administrative User Fees and Fines.

Administrative user fees must relate to the costs of the services provided, and may not exceed them, or reasonable estimates of them. The only administrative user fees and fines that may be charged are those shown on the University Schedule of Administrative User Fees and Fines. The fees and fines shown on the Schedule may be adjusted annually by administrative authority (the Vice-Provost and Assistant Vice-President (Planning & Budget)), provided that the adjustments relate to the cost of the services provided. All changes shall be reported annually to the Business Board for information. The introduction or removal of a fee from the Schedule must be submitted to the Business Board for review and approval.

6. All fees in this category are exempt from the Ministry of Education and Training's Compulsory Ancillary Fee Policy protocol requirement.

7.0 General program support

Other than tuition fees, no fees may be levied for general program support, except as provided for in Category 3.0, student levies for specific, limited projects.

8.0 System Wide Fees 7

Such fees are established through a formal agreement under which students at all Ontario universities pay a comparable fee for a comparable service. Such fees are exempt from the Ministry of Education and Training's Compulsory Ancillary Fee Policy protocol requirement.

8.1 University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP)

7. This is a new category introduced by the Ministry of Education and Training policy. The UHIP fee is actually a Council of Ontario Universities fee which is reported here for information.

Daniel W. Lang
Vice-Provost and Assistant
Vice-President (Planning & Budget)

Updated to conform with new requirements established by the Ministry of Education and Training; for information, Business Board April 17, 1995

University of Toronto
Policy on Ancillary Pees
April 1995

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