Policies & Procedures

International Student Centre
Policy Statement

May 20, 1982

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182




(1) Services to Foreign Students

(2) Services to Canadian Students

(3) Programme

(4) Facilities

(5) Liaison and Coordination



"The International Student Centre is a multi-purpose unit within the University of Toronto which is designed to provide assistance to individual students and to develop awareness on the part of all members of the University of Toronto community of the need for, and the possibilities of, international cooperation and understanding. The Centre endeavours to achieve these objectives by providing certain services, by developing certain programmes and by making available to the University the resources of Cumberland House and the ISC community."1


(1) Services to Foreign Students

The Centre's services are designed to enable foreign students at the University of Toronto to derive maximum benefit from their educational experience in Canada by easing the transition to a new educational, social, and cultural environment and by minimizing or eliminating problems which would adversely affect their academic performance.

  • pre-admission counselling of prospective students, and others on their behalf
  • post-admission information and counselling
  • a reception service in August and September
  • general orientation programmes for new students and special orientations for specific groups where appropriate
  • information about events and issues of concern to foreign students, a key element of which is the Centre's monthly Newsletter
  • non-academic counselling on any topic but especially on issues of special concern to foreign students such as immigration
  • an emergency loan fund
  • an English-as-a-Second Language programme stressing communicative competence and a writing laboratory, both of which complement other campus programmes
  • administrative and support services for students sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency as specified by the contract between CIDA and the University of Toronto
  • a Home Country Employment Service (in cooperation with the Career Counselling and Placement Centre) which provides information to graduating foreign students about employment opportunities in their home country and which assists employers seeking to recruit returning students.

1The Role of the International Student Centre, ISC Commission, 1971

(2) Services to Canadian Students

Foreign students at the University of Toronto come from over one hundred countries and represent a wide range of interests and expertise. They constitute an important resource for Canadians interested in overseas programmes. As a service to Canadian students who would be unable to obtain information elsewhere, and to promote meaningful interaction between them and the foreign students on the campus, ISC provides "Interchange", a service involving a library, counselling, and information sessions on opportunities for work, study and travel abroad.

(3) Programme

The Centre's social, cultural and educational programmes complement those planned by the student groups which use the Centre. The objectives are:

  • to help foreign students to learn about and understand Canada and Canadian customs and traditions
  • recognizing that foreign students are a valuable resource, to provide opportunities for the University community to learn from them
  • to offer programmes with an international or multi-cultural focus which will be of general interest to members of the University
  • to coordinate the activities of international groups and promote cooperation amongst them

The Centre also attempts to respond to initiatives from people outside the University who wish to meet foreign students, offer programmes for them, or involve them as resource persons in cultural or educational activities.

(4) Facilities

The Centre's facilities are available to any recognized University of Toronto organization for programmes and activities. However, consistent with the Centre's focus, preference may be given to groups which, by their nature, are international or represent other cultures or to events of an international or cross-cultural nature.

Events held at the ISC are open to all members of the University community who wish to participate.

The facilities will not normally be used for the University's formal academic programme.

There will not normally be a charge for the use of the Centre's facilities. However, for events which are likely to place added strain on them, a nominal fee may be imposed. Users are expected to restore the facilities to their original condition after use.

(5) Liaison and Coordination

In addition to the above specific functions, the Centre acts as a focus for the University, both internally and in its relations with the outside community, with regard to foreign student issues and concerns, as well as international education generally. This involves participation in various external organizations and programmes in the international education field.


April 13, 1982

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