Policies & Procedures

Policy on Diploma and Certificate Programs

December 2, 2003

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182
E-mail: governing.council@utoronto.ca
Website: http://www.utoronto.ca/govcncl/


1. Objective:

  1. to ensure consistency in the use of the terms by University "governancediploma program and "certificate program" across the divisions of the University of Toronto, in order that their meaning be clear to students, employers and the general public

  2. to ensure appropriate standards of quality in diploma and certificate programs

  3. to ensure that the resource implications of diploma and certificate programs are appropriately addressed

  4. to establish a categorization of diploma and certificate programs, and an approval process appropriate to each category

2. Application:

This policy applies to all courses of study leading to the conferral of a form of certification other than a degree.

3. Program Categories:

  1. Diploma programs:
    • require completion of an undergraduate or graduate degree for admission
    • comprise a coherent sequence of courses
    • provide for a mechanism of assessment of student performance
    • students are registered as University of Toronto students, and receive diplomas at Convocation
    • may include courses offered for credit in a graduate degree program, for which credit may be transferred if the student enrolls in the degree program.
  2. Post-secondary certificate programs:
    • require completion of secondary school as a condition of admission
    • comprise a coherent sequence of courses
    • provide for a mechanism of assessment of student performance
    • students are registered as University of Toronto students, and receive diplomas at Convocation
    • may include courses offered for credit in an undergraduate degree program, for which credit may be transferred if the student enrolls in the degree program.
  3. Diploma and Certificate programs offered in conjunction with degree programs:
    • Diploma programs may be offered in conjunction with a graduate degree. Students must be admitted to the graduate degree program in order to qualify for such diploma programs
    • Certificate programs may be offered in conjunction with an undergraduate degree. Students must be admitted to the undergraduate degree program in order to qualify for such diploma programs
    • The content of the diploma or certificate program should complement that of the respective degree program
    • Completion of such diploma and certificate programs is to be recognized through an appropriate form of attestation by the division offering the program; students do not receive diplomas at Convocation
  4. Certificate programs in continuing education:
    • open admission, but may be targeted to particular professional and quasi-professional areas
    • comprise a coherent sequence of courses
    • credit may not be transferred to degree programs
    • students are not registered as University of Toronto students, and do not receive diplomas at Convocation.

4. Program Nomenclature:

  1. Divisions wishing to offer a form of certification to recognize the completion of a course of study other than a degree program shall normally use the following terms:
    • "diploma" for programs as defined in 3(a) and 3(c)
    • "certificate" for programs as defined in 3(b) and 3(c)
    • "certificate in continuing studies" or "certificate in continuing education" for programs as defined in 3(d)
    • with the approval of the Provost, terms such as "certificate in professional development" or "certificate in executive development" for programs as defined in 3(d) as consistent with program content and clientele.
  2. In exceptional circumstances, the terminology prescribed in 4(a) may be varied to align program nomenclature at the University of Toronto with that in peer institutions offering similar programs, or with that in common use in a given professional or quasi-professional area.

5. Approval criteria:

     Programs must meet the following criteria:

  1. quality control:
    • for programs in categories 3(a),3(b) and 3(c) curriculum and instructors must be approved through an established process involving full-time faculty at the divisional4 level; and a process for periodic review must be in place. Programs in category 3(c) should be reviewed in conjunction with the relevant degree program.
    • for programs in category 3(d), curriculum and instructors must be approved by the academic head of the division
  2. institutional fit: the program should draw upon established strengths of the sponsoring unit

  3. student demand: the program should respond to an identified student demand

  4. resource implications: certificate programs in continuing education (category 3d) must be self-funding.

6. Level of approval by University governance:

  1. programs in categories 3(a),3(b) and 3(c) require approval by the relevant divisional council and by the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs. For programs without resource implications for the University's operating budget, no further approval is required.

  2. programs in category 3(d) must be approved by the relevant divisional council and reported for information to the Committee on Academic Policy and Programs

  3. for programs in categories 3(a),3(b) and 3(c) any resource implications for the University's operating budget must be reviewed by the Planning and Budget Committee and approved by Governing Council as necessary.

7. Other academic activities:

  1. Auditing of courses may be allowed by a division as provided for in the University's Policy on Auditing of Courses. Certificates of Attendance may be issued by the division as provided by that Policy.

  2. Certificates of Attendance or Certificates of Completion may be issued by divisions to recognize other continuing education activities, provided that the certificate makes it clear what is being signified -- for example, attendance at a course or workshop (specifying the length), passing of an examination, etc.

  3. Credit for audited courses or other continuing education activities may not be transferred to degree programs.

November, 2003


Current Graduate Diplomas and Certificates

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
    Professional Pilot and Aviation Management Diploma--Dip.P.P.A.M.

Faculty of Information Studies
    Graduate Diploma of Advanced Study in Information Studies--G.Dip.ISt.

Faculty of Medicine
    Diploma in Child Psychiatry--D. Child Psych.
    Diploma in Clinical Chemistry--D. Cl. Chem.
    Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology--D.C.E.
    Diploma in Community Health
    Diploma in Health Administration--D.H.Ad.Diploma in Industrial Health--D.I.H.
    Diploma in Opthalmic Science--D.Oph.Sci.

Faculty of Music
    Advanced Certificate in Performance--Adv. Cert. Perf.
    Diploma in Operatic Performance--Dip. Op. Perf.
           (Operatic Repetiteur)
           (Stage Director)

Faculty of Nursing
    Post Masters Nurse Practitioner Diploma--Dip.N.P.

    Diploma Program in Holocaust & Genocide Education--D.H.G.E.

Joseph L. Rotman School of Management
    Diploma in Investigative & Forensic Accounting--D.I.F.A

January 2004


Current Undergraduate and First Professional Diplomas and Certificates

Faculty of Dentistry
    Certificate of Qualification in Dentistry--Cert.Q.P.Dent.

Faculty of Music
    Artist Diploma--Art. Dip. Mus.

Faculty of Nursing
    Certificate as a Nurse Practitioner (Primary Health Care)--Cert. N.P. (PHC)

    Diploma in Technical Education--Dip. T. Ed.

University of Toronto at Scarborough
    Certificate in Business--Cert. Bus.

Woodsworth College
    Certificate in Human Resource Management--C.H.R.M.
    Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language--C.T.E.S.L.

January 2004

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