Policies & Procedures

 Policy for
Safety in Athletic Facilities

December 21, 1989

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:
The Office of the Governing Council Secretariat
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182


1.0 Introduction

2.0 Concerned Parties

3.0 Requirements For Reasonable Care

4.0 Responsibilities


1.0 Introduction

The personal health and safety of users of the University's athletic facilities and of participants in its athletic programs is of paramount importance. It is the policy of the University to take every reasonable precaution to protect the personal health and safety of all those using its facilities and participating in its programs and to publicize all current rules and procedures in place to achieve this end. It is the intention of the University to encourage participation in its athletic programs on the basis of an informed understanding of the inherent risks associated with such activities.

2.0 Concerned Parties

The following parties share concern for athletic safety:

2.1 each individual using facilities and/or participating in a program;

2.2 athletics staff supervising the activity/facility;

2.3 the division sponsoring the activity;

2.4 the University.

3.0 Requirements For Reasonable Care

The following are those areas in which reasonable care to secure safety in athletic activities must be exercised:

3.1 assurance of a satisfactory state of personal health and fitness for participation including appropriate medical assessments according to prevailing standards as well as suitable conditioning and training for specific activities;

3.2 information concerning the ordinary risks of injury associated with a particular activity;

3.3 establishment of appropriate rules and regulations for all activities and especially for competitive matches which require a certain degree of fitness, skill, height, weight or size among participants;

3.4 availability of facilities which are safe for ordinary use;

3.5 qualified instruction in the safe use of equipment and facilities and the appropriate use of protective equipment;

3.6 availability as required of suitable referees, officials, coaches, instructors, supervisors, conveners, and managers;

3.7 availability of adequate systems, procedures, equipment and trained personnel for responding to injuries and medical emergencies.

4.0 Responsibilities

4.1 The individual participant has a responsibility to be informed of the requirements for reasonable care, to recognize and accept the inherent risks associated with the particular activity and to abide by the University's rules and regulations governing that particular activity.

4.2 Those in charge of facilities or programs and their staffs are responsible for the following:

a) approving where appropriate the particular activity and the suitability of individuals to participate;

b) supervising or monitoring the particular activity to ensure that rules and regulations are adhered to;

c) taking all reasonable steps to alert individuals to the requirements for reasonable care.

4.3 The University, through the Assistant Vice-President--Student Affairs, has overall responsibility to see that appropriate policies and procedures are in place and that these are adhered to and reviewed on a regular basis.

November 21, 1989

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