Policies & Procedures

Policy and Procedures on
Employment Conditions of Part-time Academic Staff

March 7, 1994

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

A part-time appointment is one that does not exceed 75 per cent of full-time employment. When an appointment is considered to be part-time, the fraction of the time for which the individual is to be appointed shall be computed on the basis of the expected workload of the individual divided by the workload of a comparable full-time member of the academic staff over the period of employment.

(1) Initial appointment at all part-time ranks shall be up to one year's length in duration.

(2) (a) Appointments may be made to any academic rank on a part-time basis. This includes the categories of Tutor, Senior Tutor, Instructor, Research Associate, Clinical Associate, as well as the ranks from Lecturer to Full Professor.

(b) Academic staff members who are engaged solely in teaching shall be appointed to the rank of Tutor; those engaged solely in research shall be designated as Research Associates. Appointment to the ranks of Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor should be reserved for those individuals who bear a similar responsibility in terms of teaching, research and University service, to full-time appointments.

(c) Divisions wishing to describe part-time professorial appointments as adjunct or visiting may retain the title but the rank shall also be specified, e.g., Adjunct Assistant Professor.

(d) Academic staff members who hold the part-time appointment of Tutor shall, upon conferral of a three-year appointment, be designated as Senior Tutor Part-time.

(e) In no instance may a part-time appointment at the rank of Research Associate be for a term longer than the committed financial support from non-University sources.

(3) Grievance procedures for part-time academic staff shall be the same as for comparable full-time academic staff. It should be noted that in the case of an annual appointment, which may or may not be renewed at the discretion of the department, there can be no ground for appeal if the appointment is not renewed as the staff member should not expect continuation of the appointment.

(4) All part-time academic staff shall be eligible for participation in the pension plan according to present policy. In addition, part-time academic staff holding appointments of 25 per cent or more shall be eligible for other benefits on a pro-rated basis, and for merit increases after one year.

(5) Individuals currently holding a tenured full-time position may, with the agreement of the department chairman, the appropriate division head, and approval of the Vice-President and Provost, change to a tenured position part-time. Alteration of this situation may occur only with the consent of all parties.

There shall be no upper or lower limit to the percentage of part-time employment which could carry tenured status for full-time tenured academic staff moving to part-time.

(6) (a) Part-time academic staff members may hold tenure only in the case of full-time tenured members who change to a part-time commitment in accordance with section (5).

(b) After three successive annual part-time appointments, a member of the academic staff may, at the discretion of the department chairman, or the College Principal in the case of non-departmental college programs and with the approval of the division head and the Vice-President and Provost, be considered for a three-year contract.

(c) The member of the academic staff being considered for a three-year contract must be reviewed during his or her third annual appointment. This review shall be the same as that of probationary review for Assistant Professors.

(d) A member of the academic staff who holds a three-year contract may be eligible for a renewal of the contract at the discretion of the department chairman and with the approval of the division head and the Vice- President and Provost, and after review. The review shall be held in the third year of the contract before December 31, and shall be the same as the review specified in (c) though the staff member shall be expected to have made additional achievements in research, or creative activity where applicable. The staff member shall be notified before December 31 regarding renewal of the contract.

(7) Members of the academic staff appointed on an annual contract or less, or holding appointments of less than 50 per cent, shall not be expected to participate in departmental administrative activities unless agreed to with the chairman. For those individuals on a three-year term contract involving a greater than 50 per cent appointment, a proportionately reduced contribution shall be expected.

(8) a) A faculty member on 50 percent or greater appointment shall be entitled to apply for research leave of twelve (12) months at eighty-two and one-half (82.5) percent salary after every six years of service at the University of Toronto. Such leave shall not be unreasonably denied. Research leave normally will commence on July 1.

b) As an alternative, each faculty member on 50 percent or greater appointment shall be entitled to apply for research leave of six months at full salary, after the same period of service. Such leave shall not be unreasonably denied. Such leave may commence either July or January 1, subject to the approval of his or her chair, dean or principal.

c) As an alternative and subsequent to the leave in (a) or (b) above and where the academic unit's teaching program permits, each faculty member on a 50 percent or greater appointment shall be entitled to apply for research or study leave for a six month period (from July 1 to December 31 or January 1 to June 30) after every three years of service at 82.5 percent salary provided the requested leave does not fall within seven years of the normal age of retirement. Such leave shall not be unreasonably denied.

d) A faculty member who is entitled to apply for a research leave under (a), above, may request that he or she defer the leave by up to one year. Such request shall not be unreasonably denied; and, where the request has been granted, the period of time between the date on which the leave would have commenced in the absence of the deferment and the actual date on which the leave commences, to a maximum of one year, shall be credited as "service to the University" for purposes of calculating the faculty member’s accrued service in respect of the faculty member’s next research and study leave application.

(9) Members of the academic staff holding a three-year appointment involving 50 per cent or greater shall be eligible for appointment to the graduate faculty upon recommendation of the department chairman to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

(10) The criteria for promotion through the ranks from Lecturer to Full Professor shall be the same as for full-time academic staff with an appropriately reduced expectation as to the quantity of work.

(11) Where new or experimental programs have been introduced and part-time academic staff have been initially recruited and paid by means of a payment authorization form, the arrangement shall be for one year only and in all subsequent years of such a program members of the academic staff shall be paid on a normal appointment basis and the salary floor pro-rated for the appropriate rank should apply.

(12) The Vice-President and Provost shall give careful consideration to collecting information regarding teaching, research and University service by part-time academic staff and, after five years, make recommendations on the employment conditions of part-time academic staff.

(13) The transition will be effected by the appointment of a committee to be set up by the Vice-President and Provost which shall review the disposition of all individuals presently holding part-time appointments for the academic year in which these proposals are implemented. The review shall involve an activity analysis, and the establishment of entitlement for rank, continuing appointment, and research or study leave due to past service.

(14) The foregoing policy and procedures shall not apply to part-time academic clinical staff in Dentistry and Medicine.

Approved by the Governing Council June 17, 1976

Section 4 approved by the Governing Council September 23, 1976

Section 8 was amended to reflect Article 4 (a), (b) and (c) of the Memorandum of Agreement with UTFA as amended effective July 1, 1991, approved by the Business Board, with the concurrence of the Academic Board June 6, 1991.

Section 8 was amended to reflect Article 4 (d) of the Memorandum of Agreement with UTFA, approved by the Business Board on March 7, 1994.

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