Policies & Procedures

Governing Council
Report of the Provostial
Committee on Centres and Institutes

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Table of Contents


Part I: Introduction

Part II: Units and Their Administrative Functions

  1. Description of Types of Extra-Departmental Units at the University of Toronto
  2. Establishment
  3. Appointment of an Administrator: Director, Coordinator
  4. Reporting Authority
  5. Appointing Rights for Faculty
  6. Teaching Role
  7. Research Role
  8. Budgetary Authority
  9. Administration of Grievances
  10. Process of Review
  11. Disestablishment

Part III: Recommendations

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The former Provost, now President David Strangway, charged the Provostial Committee on Centres and Institutes with the task of reviewing the existing relationships of centres and institutes and other similar groups in relation to the Haist Rules at the University of Toronto. We were asked to look at the administrative structure, appointment authority and academic role of such units and to look at the relationship among such units. We were asked to recommend a set of guidelines which would fit with existing rules or to propose changes to those rules where necessary. We have located over 300 units which are known as institutes, centres, groups or programmes. Of these, some two dozen or more are known as institutes or centres, with over half of these in the School of Graduate Studies.

Membership of the Committee reflects the wide range of activities in extra-departmental units in every part of the University. Those serving on the Committee are listed at the end of the report.

This report is intended for wide circulation within the University community. The report is organized into three main parts. In the first part, we have set out the premises and assumptions on which we based our work; the second part is a description of categories of units and their proposed administrative functions and relationship to the governing structure of the University. The third and final part of the report consists of our list of recommendations drawn together from the body of the report.

This report is presented to the Provost for action through the appropriate Councils and Committees of the University.

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Part I: Introduction

The University of Toronto has a larger faculty than any other academic institution in Canada. The diverse research and teaching interests of this group have provided great strength in traditional departments and degree programmes. There are few departments which do not include some of the leading Canadian authorities in the discipline and scholars of international reputation. A salient feature of the University during the past fifty years has been the extent to which faculty members are permitted and encouraged to develop research and teaching interests which do not fit easily within rigid and orthodox disciplinary boundaries. Over the years this has given rise to a large and diverse range of co-operative groupings, some involving informal collections of two or three faculty members without elaborate administrative structures, and others formalized into large institutes with substantial budgetary and administrative support. It is no criticism of traditional departments to say that some of the most exciting and innovative work at this University has been stimulated by these initiatives. It is clear that the flexible policy of the university has encouraged these developments, and this situation contrasts notably with that at some other leading universities in this country. In the opinion of this Committee, such a policy has had academic and administrative advantages. The Provostial Committee, in undertaking a review of the various extra-departmental arrangements which have arisen, does not wish to take any action which would hamper or stifle innovative activities by the faculty. Thus, the task has been to determine if there are administrative measures of clarification and identification which can encourage and enhance such activities.

To differentiate extra-departmental units offering research and/or teaching programmes at the University of Toronto, the Provostial Committee on Centres and Institutes has drawn up a set of characteristics for four different types of units that operate within the University outside the basic structure formed by departments.

We recognize that the names of existing units are traditional, and it is not our intention in this report to advocate that these names necessarily be changed. Therefore, we have labelled the types of units EDU (Extra-Departmental Unit) with a number. The terms "institute", "centre", "group/research group" and "programme" describe those units with which we are familiar. It is our hope that the sets of characteristics we have differentiated can be recognized as institutes, centres, groups and programmes, and that those in such units will be consistent in the naming of their units where possible. EDU:01 = institute, EDU:02 = centre, EDU:003 = group, and EDU:004 = programme.

Some of the existing EDU's are "in" the School of Graduate Studies. We have begged the question of establishing the criteria by which a unit ought to be within or outside of the School. It is our opinion that the School should continue to have the exclusive responsibility to approve graduate courses and programmes and to recommend them to the Academic Affairs Committee of Governing Council. In addition, rights to make appointments to the graduate faculty should be retained by the School for all units, including EDU's. However, if the recommendations of this report are accepted, a process of evolution will take place in units as they move into alignment with what has been proposed. In that evolutionary process, we suggest that the budgetary and reporting responsibilities for each EDU should be determined in discussions involving the unit, the School, and the cooperating deans and chairs of departments.

For units formed in cooperation with other universities or outside agencies, such as research ancillaries, the relevant principles of organization and responsibility as listed below should apply; the Vice-President (Research and Government Relations) is normally responsible for overseeing such agreements.

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Part II: Units and Their Administrative Functions

The pages below describe the processes and procedures involved in the establishment and work of each type of unit. These are intended to establish lines of authority and reporting, and to clarify issues concerning reviews and the work of coordinators or directors.

Description of
Extra-Departmental Units
This is a multidisciplinary, multi-departmental group with faculty and students working in a defined area of academic study and research investigation. It is a centrally established and independent unit designed to foster research and teaching in new or highly specialized areas. This is normally a multidisciplinary multidepartmental research unit with a broad research domain in a particular area of academic work. It exists to foster research and scholarly interest in the area. It may sponsor EDU:004's This is a cluster of scholars who have come together for the purpose of pursuing specific research objectives. It may be multidisciplinary or it may arise within a single discipline or department, EDU:01 or EDU:02. This refers to a set of courses in a area of academic interest not offered under departmental course offerings. Such programmes may be offered jointly by more than one Faculty or may exist between departments in a Faculty. An EDU:004 may also be established in an EDU:02
Faculty from at least two fields draft a proposal for a multidisciplinary teaching and research unit with University base budget funds and possible external funding. If approved by the departments and division(s) involved, proposal for the multidepartmental unit is brought by the dean(s) before the Academic Affairs Committee through the Vice-President and Provost, the Planning and Resources Committee through the President, and then the Governing Council for approval. Proposal for a multidepartmental research unit is brought for approval before the council or governing body of the division(s) concerned, by the faculty in several fields who are developing the concept of the unit. If approved, proposal for the unit, including recommendations on internal University and external grant funding and on staffing, is reported to the Vice-President and Provost, the Vice-President (Research and Government Relations), and the Office of Research Administration by the dean(s) of the divisions(s) involved, who have agreed upon resource commitments and budget. Proposal for a research unit is brought for approval before the head(s) of the division(s) concerned, by faculty in the department(s) within the division(s) involved in developing the research project(s). The existence of the unit and the name of the Coordinator are reported to the Vice-President and Provost, the Vice-President (Research and Government Relations), and the Office of Research Administration. Proposal for a programme is brought for approval before the department(s) and curriculum committee(s) concerned, by faculty in the department(s) involved in developing the proposed course of study. Consideration by the Academic Affairs Committee or its subcommittees may be required.

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Appointment of an Administrator:
Director Coordinator
See University of Toronto Policy Statements (The Haist Rules): Academic Administrators: Sections 23-27

Termination of the appointment of a director follows the procedures in the Haist Rules.

For SGS Units, see School of Graduate Studies The Yellow Book: Item 11-1-2 to 11-1-3: The Search for a Director

If not in the SGS, a director is appointed for a fixed term by the dean(s) by whom the unit was created. Termination of the appointment of a director rests with the dean(s) of the division(s) concerned. The name of the director is filed with the ORA. Any change in status of the director must be reported to the ORA.

The Coordinator is appointed by the head(s) of the division(s) concerned to serve a fixed term determined by the department(s) involved. The Coordinator serves as designated authority of the unit, but may share authority for a specific research project with another member so designated. Termination of the appointment of a Coordinator rests with the head(s) of the division(s) concerned. The Coordinator is appointed by the head(s) of the department(s) or division(s) concerned for a fixed term. Termination of this appointment rests with the head(s) involved.
Reporting Authority
The director, under the guidance of an advisory panel of three or more members appointed by the dean(s) concerned, is responsible for policy and administrative and financial operations to the dean(s) of the division(s) with significant involvement in the unit. Governing Council, through the recommendations of the Vice-President and Provost to its committees, is the ultimate reporting authority. The director, with the guidance of an advisory panel appointed by the dean(s) concerned, is responsible for policies and administrative operations to the dean(s) of the division(s) with significant involvement in the unit, as specified in Section 2 above. The director is responsible for financial operations to the dean(s) involved, and registers the unit with the ORA. The Coordinator is responsible for administrative operations to the head(s) of the division(s) concerned. To simplity reporting, reporting authority should be formalized at the time of establishment of the unit.

The Coordinator is responsible for financial operations to the head(s) involved, and registers the research project(s) with the ORA.

The Coordinator is responsible for administrative operations to the head(s) of the department(s) or division(s) concerned.

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Rights for Faculty
See Manual of Staff Policies Academic Staff:

Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments:

Code number 3.01.02 Pages 4, 22

Faculty usually are cross-appointed, but the units have the right to make tenure-strearn appointments.

All faculty are cross-appointed. Faculty members may not hold their primary appointment in an EDU:02. Cross-appointment of faculty rests with the dean(s) of the division(s) involved, with the original department or college as the unit of primary appointment. All appointments are reviewed from time to time. Advice on merit pay, tenure review, or other matters relating to the appointment of faculty will be sought from the director in accordance with the policies of the University. No rights of appointment or cross-appointment exist. Research fellows are appointed through the related department(s) or division(s). No rights of appointment exist.
Teaching Role


Students enrol in a distinctive course of study at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels. These courses of study are established and reviewed in a manner similar to those of a department. However, since the academic requirements will span departments or divisions, approvals must be sought in all units involved, and may be required ultimately from any external agencies concerned. EDU:02's do not register students. None. A set of courses in an academic area is the reason for the existence of an EDU:004. Students follow a designated programme as prescribed in the calendar(s) of the units involved. Students register for information with the programme coordinator who is responsible for their guidance through the course of study.

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Research Role
In addition to its teaching role, an EDU:01 is concerned with a broad area of research. An EDU:02 is concerned with a well-defined area of multidisciplinary research. An EDU:003 is formed to pursue specific research objectives. Each proposal for outside research funds and the name of its designated head for grant management should be reported to the appropriate divisional head(s). None.
Budgetary Authority


The director administers an operating budget from divisional budget(s) and external research grant sources. Ultimate financial authority goes through the appropriate dean(s). Annual budgets are operated through the appropriate dean(s). The director administers an operating budget from divisional budget(s) and external research grant sources. Financial authority rests with the appropriate dean(s), who coordinate the annual budget as part of the appropriate decanal budget(s). Research funds are administered through a department or Faculty. This is normally the department, EDU:01, EDU:02, or Faculty to which the Coordinator reports. The Coordinator may administer funds, if so delegated by the division(s). Ultimate financial authority goes through the appropriate head(s) to the dean(s) of the division(s) involved.
Administration of
Faculty have access to the grievance procedures in the Memorandum of Agreement between The Governing Council of the University of Toronto and The University of Toronto Faculty Association (Article 7: Grievance Procedure). Administrative staff have access to procedures in the Manual of Staff Policies (Code number 4.02.11). Students have access to the academic or administrative appeal procedures of the divisions(s) concerned. Step No. 1 authority for faculty is the director, Step No. 2 authority the appropriate dean(s). Faculty may pursue grievances through their department or division. Administrative staff working solely in the unit have access to the procedures in the Manual of Staff Policies (Code number 4.02.11). Faculty and staff may pursue grievances through their department or division. Faculty, staff and students may pursue grievances through their department or division.

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Process of Review
Reviews should be undertaken by the 0ffice of the Vice-PresIdent and Provost at the fixed intervals set aside for the appointment of a director, and reported to the Academic Affairs Committee under its guidelines. Reviews should be undertaken by the dean(s) of the appropriate division(s) at the fixed intervals set aside for the appointment of a director. The review procedures should be defined by the division(s) at the unit's inception and approved by the Vice-President and Provost as being consistent with University-wide standards. A periodic review is conducted by the division(s) concerned, at such times as the appointment of a coordinator, the review of the division(s), and the evaluation of the research project(s). A periodic review of courses or the course of study is conducted by the department(s) or division(s) concerned through normal curriculum committee procedures.
Dissolution of the unit, upon the decision of a regular or special review or for academic or budgetary reasons, is finalized through Governing Council, upon the recommendations of the Vice-PresIdent and Provost and the Academic Affairs Committee. Dissolution of the unit, upon the decision of a regular or special review or for academic or budgetary reasons, is finalized through the dean(s) of the divisions(s) whose departments constitute the unit, and is reported to the Vice-President (Research and Government Relations). Dissolution of the unit, for lack of divisional or external support or at the completion of the research project(s), is through the head(s) of the division(s) concerned. Dissolution of the unit, for lack of departmental or divisional support or at the ending of the unit's course of study, is through curriculum committee procedures and, by the established process, the Academic Affairs Committee of Governing Council.

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Part III: Recommendations

    1. The Committee recommends that the University of Toronto retain the flexibility inherent in the formation and functioning of extra-departmental units which has been at the heart of much of the creative activity occurring across disciplinary lines. This flexibility is implied in the guidelines which we propose in this report. Extra-departmental units may change from one form to another over time and as circumstances change.

    2. We recommend that those interested in proposing the formation of new or transformed extra-departmental units follow the classification in this report and the guidelines for structure and administration.

    3. We recommend that the guidelines proposed in Part II of this report be formally adopted by the University through the appropriate councils and committees, and applied consistently in the administration of extra-departmental units.

    4. We recommend that Section 26 of the Haist Rules be amended to make the term of a director of an EDU:01 five years.

    5. In order to obtain a comprehensive and up-to-date directory, we recommend that all EDU:01's, EDU:02's, and EDU:003's be asked to register for information with the Office of Research Administration, by a deadline to be established by the Provost. We recommend that no existing institute, centre, programme or group be required to change its name to conform to these proposals, but only that they be encouraged - insofar as history, tradition and circumstances allow - to achieve consistency with these guidelines.

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Provostial Committee on Centres and Institutes
Professor P.A.R. Bouissac
Department of French
Victoria College
Professor D. McCammond
Associate Dean, Research and Resources
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Professor R. Bryan
Chairman, Division of Social Sciences
Scarborough College
Professor J. Millgate
Faculty of Arts and Science
Professor J.J. Fawcett
Associate Dean, Sciences
Erindale College
Dr. D. Smith
Faculty of Dentistry
Professor J.B. French
Assistant Dean
School of Graduate Studies
Dr. B.J. Underdown
Associate Dean, Research
Faculty of Medicine
Professor R.E. Jervis
Research Board
Professor L.R. Marsden (Chair)
Vice-Provost, Arts and Science
R.L. Burbank (Secretary)
Executive Assistant to the Vice- Provost

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Report of the Provositial Committee on Centres and Institutes

Appendix: A List of Some Extra-Departmental Units

Degree(s) Offered
1) Banting and Best Diabetes Center 92 College Faculty of Medicine C.H. Hollenberg (Director) - - -
2) Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Rosebrugh Building Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering/Faculty of Medicine W. Zingg (Director) - - -
3) Bone and Mineral Metabolism Unit Queen Elizabeth Hospital Faculty of Medicine J. Harrison (Director) - - -
4) Building Science, Centre for Galbraith Building Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering J. Timusk (Chairman) - - -
5) Child Study, Institute of 45 Walmer Road Faculty of Education A. Schermann (Principal) - - -
6) Cockburn Centre for Engineering Design Mechanical Building Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering D.W. Hoeppner (Director) - - -
7) Comparative Literature, Centre for 14045 Robarts Library School of Graduate Studies P.W. Nesselroth (Director) M.A.
8) Computer Systems Research Group Sanford Fleming Building Department of Computer Science/Department of Electrical Engineering R.C. Holt (Chairman) - - -
9) Criminology, Centre of 8th floor Robarts Library School of Graduate Studies A.N. Doob (Director) M.A.
10) Drama, Centre for the Study of Massey College School of Graduate Studies R. Bryden (Director) M.A.
11) Environmental Studies, Institute for Haultain Building School of Graduate Studies I. Burton (Director) M.A. (Environmental Studies, Collaborative Program)
12) Gerontology, Programme in 455 Spadina Office of the Vice-Provost (Health Sciences) B.T. Wigdor (Director) (Diploma)
13) Health Care Research Unit FitzGerald Building Faculty of Medicine J.I. Williams (Director) - - -
14) History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute for Victoria College School of Graduate Studies M.P. Winsor (Acting Director) M.A.
15) Industrial Relations, Centre for 123 St. George School of Graduate Studies N.M. Meltz (Director) M.I.R.
(Ph.D. Proposed 1984-85)
16) International Studies, Centre for Trinity College School of Graduate Studies R.A. Spencer (Director) M.A.
(Collaborative, Specialist Program in International Relations)
17) Llbrarlanshlp, Centre for Research In 140 St. George Faculty of Library and Information Science A. Fasick (Director) - - -
18) Liver Epidemiology and Biostatisics Unit McMurrich Building Faculty of Medicine J. Rankin (Director) - - -
19) McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology 39A Queen's Park E. School of Graduate Studies D. de Kerckhove (Acting Director) - - -
20) Medical Sciences, Institute of 6275 Medical Science Building School of Graduate Studies A. Angel (Director) M.Sc.
21) Medieval Studies, Center for 39 Queen’s Park East School of Graduate Studies R. A. Taylor (Director) M.A.
Ph.D. (Medieval Studies)
22) Modern East Asia, Joint Center on 14225 Robarts Library University of Toronto/York University J. Ch’en (Director, York)
M. Donnelly (Associate Director, Toronto)
- - -
23) MRC Group in Periodontal Physiology Medical Science Building Faculty of Dentistry/Faculty of Medicine J. Sodek (Director) - - -
24) Museum Studies Programme New College School of Graduate Studies R. Churcher (Acting Director) M.M.St.
25) NCIC Epidemiology Unit McMurrich Building Faculty of Medicine A. Miller (Director) - - -
26) Nuclear Engineering, Center for Wallberg Building Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering O.J.C. Runnalls (Chairman) - - -
27) Occupational and Environmental Health Unit FitzGerald Building Faculty of Medicine J.R. Nethercott (Director) - - -
28) Playfair Neuroscience Unit Toronto Western Hospital Faculty of Medicine W.G. Tatton (Director) - - -
29) Policy Analysis, Institute for 140 St. George School of Graduate Studies R. Bird (Director) M.P.S. (Proposed)
30) Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies St. Michael’s College St. Michael’s College Rev. J.A. Raftis (President) - - -
31) Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Centre for Victoria University Victoria College J.M. Estes (Director) - - -
32) Religious Studies, Centre for 14335 Robarts Library School of Graduate Studies J.H. Simpson (Director) M.A.
33) Russian and East European Studies, Centre for Sidney Smith Hall School of Graduate Studies G. Zekulin (Director) (Diploma)
34) South Asian Studies, Centre for Sidney Smith Hall School of Graduate Studies M. Israel (Director) M.A.
35) Speech Pathology, Division of 88 College Faculty of Medicine M. Stoicheff (Acting Director) - - -
36) Study and Application of Integrated Development, Institute for the 43 Queen's Park. E. St. Michael's College Father G. MacGuigan (Director) - - -
37) Toxicology, Canadian Centre for 120 St. Joseph Faculty of Medicine F.L. McEwan (Acting Director) - - -
38)Transportation, Joint Program in 42 St. George School of Graduate Studies/
York University
G.N. Steuart (Acting Director) - - -
39) Urban and Community Studies, Centre for 455 Spadina School of Graduate Studies L.S. Bourne (Director)
H. Andrews (Associate Director)
B. Wellman (Associate Director)
- - -
40) ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) Laboratory Haultain Building School of Graduate Studies/ Institute for Environmental Studies J.C. Van Loon (Director) - - -
41) ISOTRACE Laboratory McLennan Physical Laboratories Faculty of Arts and Science/
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
A.E. Litherland (Director) - - -
42) SLOWPOKE Reactor Facility Haultain Building VIce-President (Research and Government Relations)/Research Board J.S. Hewitt (Chairman) - - -

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