Policies & Procedures

Administrative Procedures for Engagement of
Post-Doctoral Fellows

Approved by the Provost's Office

May 27, 2002

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

Office of the Vice-President and Provost
Simcoe Hall, University of Toronto
27 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1A1

Telephone: 416-978-2122
Fax: 416-978-3939

E-mail: provost@utoronto.ca
Website: http://www.utoronto.ca/provost/

  1. Engagement of post-doctoral fellows requires the approval of the Chair or Director of the Department/Unit in multi-department faculties, and the Dean in single department faculties.
  2. An engagement letter should be entered into, and should be signed by the Chair, the faculty supervisor and the post-doctoral fellow.
  3. Elements of the engagement letter should include:
    • The duration of the engagement (not more than three years, and limited opportunity for renewal for up to a further three years).
    • Termination at any time for cause (i.e. failure to meet required service standards).
    • Early termination (for reasons such as cessation of funding) by giving two months' notice or, in the case of the University, payment in lieu of notice of the amount of the stipend that would have been earned over the two month period.
    • Identification of the stipend and any additional support.
    • A description of the services to be provided.
    • Identification of any supports that will be provided (e.g., conference support).
    • Confirmation that, provided the service standards are met, and after discussion with the faculty supervisor to ensure operational feasibility, the post-doctoral fellow is free to take time off for personal reasons, to provide the equivalent of vacation, etc.
    • Confirmation that no tuition fee or registration fee will be applied.
    • Confirmation that the letter does not establish an employment relationship, and that the post-doctoral fellow is responsible for his/her own income tax and other statutory obligations.
  4. The minimum stipend will be $25,000.
  5. A copy of the engagement letter, signed back by the post-doctoral fellow, will be forwarded to the Dean of the Faculty.
  6. The Dean of the Faculty will submit to the Dean of the SGS a list of campus-based post-doctoral fellows, including the term of their engagement, and the stipend amount.
  7. The SGS Post-Doctoral Affairs Office will consult with Human Resources to determine annually the support that will be made available, or which the University will assist in making available (as appropriate), including, but not limited to, access to supplementary health and dental insurance, and access to athletic facilities.
  8. These procedures will apply for all PDFs starting after September 1, 2002. Engagement letters meeting these terms should be offered to current PDFs no later than June 30, 2004.

May 27, 2002, Office of the Vice-President and Provost

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