Policies & Procedures

Statement on Human Rights

June 25, 1992

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

Acknowledging its fundamental and distinctive commitment to freedom of thought, inquiry, and expression, the University of Toronto affirms its commitment to the values of equal opportunity, equity and social justice. In this affirmation, the University

  • acknowledges that it conducts its teaching, research and other activities in the context of a richly diverse society;
  • recognizes that the attainment of excellence in pursuit of its mission is furthered by the contribution made by persons reflecting this rich diversity;
  • acts within its purview to prevent or remedy discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, marital status, family status, receipt of public assistance or record of offence;
  • acts conscientiously in keeping with its own policies and existing legislation related to human rights, such as its Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, its Policies and Procedures: Sexual Harassment, its Employment Equity Policy and the Human Rights Code of the Province of Ontario.
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