Policies & Procedures

Policy Respecting the Appointment of a President

February 4, 1999

This is a web-based version of this policy.
To request an official signed copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

1. About 18 months before the end of the President's term of office, or at any time a vacancy is to be filled, a committee shall be formed to advise Governing Council on the appointment of a President.

2. The composition of the Committee shall be as follows:

1 The Chairman of the Governing Council or a lay member of Council appointed by the Chairman (Chair of the Committee)

2 Appointees of the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council to the Governing Council

3 Alumni of the University, who are neither staff nor students of the University

5 Members of the teaching staff of the University, no more than two of whom may be current holders of academic administrative posts

1 Member of the administrative staff of the University

3 Students (one full-time undergraduate, one part-time undergraduate and one graduate student).

The Committee need not have a majority of its members from Governing Council.

3. The membership of the Committee shall be recommended by the Executive Committee to Governing Council for its approval. Nominations for membership shall be solicited from the University community. Except for the Chairman of the Governing Council, no member of the Executive Committee or of Governing Council who might have a conflict of interest with respect to the membership of the Search Committee shall participate in the deliberations of the Executive Committee on this matter. If a member of the Executive Committee, other than the President, withdraws from participation in the Executive Committee’s deliberations, the Secretary shall poll the remaining Governing Council members of the constituency entitled to nominate a member to that seat, in order that a replacement be chosen to participate in the deliberations of the Executive Committee.

No person recommended by the Executive Committee for membership on the Search Committee may participate in the deliberations of Governing Council on this matter.

4. A vacancy on the Search Committee shall be filled by the Executive Committee. A member of the Search Committee does not cease to be a member simply by virtue of ceasing to be a member of the estate from which he or she was appointed.

5. The Secretary of the Governing Council, or a person approved by the Executive Committee, shall be the Secretary of the Search Committee.

6. The Committee shall at all times conduct its affairs in camera. Members shall not disclose to anyone else any matter concerning the activities of the Committee. The Chair, or a person designated by the Chair, may issue statements concerning the activities of the Committee.

7. In its deliberations the Committee shall have regard for the mission of the University of Toronto, as may be defined from time to time by the Governing Council, and the abilities of those nominated to advance that mission. The Committee shall solicit and consider the views of the University community and major external constituencies on the type of President most likely to advance the interests of the University.

8. The Committee shall attempt to make decisions by consensus. A recommendation of an individual to the Governing Council shall be supported by at least twelve members of the Search Committee.

9. The Committee shall recommend only one name at a time to the Governing Council through the Executive Committee. The Committee shall report within twelve months of establishment and at least six months prior to the time a new president ordinarily would be expected to take office.

February 5, 1999

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