Policies & Procedures

Procedures for Non-Members to Address
Governing Council, Its Boards and Committees

Revised March 9, 1995

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182

A. With respect to specific items on Agendas

Most items placed on the agenda for the consideration of Governing Council have been debated in open sessions of boards and committees reporting to Governing Council. Non-members who wish to offer their views on such business items are directed in the first instance to the meetings of the relevant boards and committees. The boards and committees should be approached in advance of meetings through their chairs, c/o the Governing Council Secretariat. The most effective way to communicate with members is in writing. Written communications on matters before Boards and committees will be distributed by the Governing Council Secretariat with regular agenda material if received at least 8 days prior to the meeting date. Written communications received after this time will be placed on the table and subsequently distributed to members not in attendance.

Requests from non-members to address Governing Council or one of its boards or committees on a specific agenda item may be granted by the appropriate Chair, who will take into consideration such matters as the relevance of the intervention to the agenda item, whether the members already possess the information being offered, the length of the agenda, the number of speaking requests and the maintenance of good relations with and fulfillment of obligations to official campus groups representing staff and students. Requests from representative campus groups (e.g. UTFA, UTSA, APUS, GSU, SAC) to address Governing Council or a board or committee normally will be granted by the appropriate chair. In circumstances where such a group has not received material in time for it to prepare written comments, such permission will be granted.

Requests to address Governing Council or one of its boards or committees on a specific agenda item may also be granted on a member’s motion approved by a 2/3rd vote of members. The mover may briefly explain the reasons for the motion, but the matter is not otherwise debatable.

Provisions of By-law 2 of the Governing Council with respect to the number of times motions may be spoken to, the length of speeches, and responses to questions apply equally to members and non-members. For example, the chair of a meeting may permit a non-member to speak more than once if in the chair's opinion the business of the meeting will thereby be facilitated.

B. With Respect to Items not on Agendas

1. Up to fifteen minutes at each meeting of the full Governing Council may be devoted to statements by individuals and groups who wish to communicate matters to Governing Council. These statements will ordinarily be heard after the President’s Report and the items coming forward for approval.

2. Speakers are required to limit their remarks to five minutes.

3. Persons or groups wishing to take advantage of this should apply to the Secretary by the day of the Executive Committee meeting that precedes the scheduled regular meeting of Governing Council.

4. If more than three applications are received, the names of the speakers will be drawn by lot by the Secretary prior to the Executive Committee meeting.

5. An individual or group may use the procedure set out in this section to address Governing Council on a subject chosen by the speaker. Once exercised, this right may not be exercised again by the same person or group on the same subject until twelve months from the date of the meeting.

6. This procedure would not supplant the right of individuals or groups to request to address Governing Council on any matter which is on the agenda of Governing Council for debate and voting, except that speaking privileges would not be granted at the same meeting to address Council on the same topic twice.

7. The Executive Committee would have the authority to vary this procedure in cases where its application is uncertain.

8. Except in accordance with the above, the Chairman normally will grant speaking privileges for matters not on the Council’s agenda only after consulting the Executive Committee.

9. Requests to address boards or committees on matters not on agendas will be handled by the appropriate chairs, subject to the provisions for a 2/3 vote of members as described above.

Originally approved by Governing Council October 15, 1992

Revised by Governing Council March 9, 1995

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