Policies & Procedures

Terms of Reference for the Office
of the University Ombudsperson

April 30, 1998

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182






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1. The Ombudsperson is appointed by the Governing Council on the recommendation of the President; is accountable to the Governing Council and has unrestricted access to all University authorities. The Office of the Ombudsperson shall be independent of all existing administrative structures of the University.


2. The Ombudsperson investigates, in an impartial fashion, complaints that may arise against the University or against anyone in the University exercising authority. It shall be the special concern of the Ombudsperson that:

  1. the rights and responsibilities of members of the University community are adequately defined and publicized;
  2. any gaps and inadequacies in existing University policies and procedures that affect the ability of individuals to function as members of the University community or which might jeopardize their human rights and civil liberties be brought to the attention of the proper authority.
  3. the problems of members of the University community are addressed with reasonable promptness;
  4. procedures used to reach decisions are adequate and that the criteria and rules on which the decisions in question are based are appropriate and adequately publicized.


3. Complaints may be made by any member of the University community (students and members of the teaching or administrative staffs) or by former members of the teaching or administrative staffs or student body (in respect of matters arising out of their former University employment or student status). Investigations may also begin on the independent initiative of the Ombudsperson in respect of anyone of the above entitled to make a complaint.

4. The Ombudsperson shall initiate an investigation only after attempts at redress through existing administrative channels have been concluded.

5. The Ombudsperson may decline to initiate an investigation on the grounds that it is frivolous or vexatious.

6. In conducting investigations, the Ombudsperson shall act in an impartial fashion and not as the advocate of any party to a complaint.

7. Even though wide latitude has been granted in making public any findings and recommendations, the Ombudsperson shall not set aside the request of complainants that their anonymity be preserved.


8. After conducting an investigation, the Ombudsperson may draw conclusions about the complaint investigated and make findings and recommendations concerning its resolution, particularly in relation to the mandate of the Office as set out in 2 above.

9. In drawing conclusions and making recommendations, the Ombudsperson shall not make University policy or replace established legislative, judicial or administrative rules or procedures, although any or all of these may be investigated or questioned and such recommendations made as appropriate for their improvement and efficient functioning.

10. The Ombudsperson shall bring findings and recommendations to the attention of those in authority by the most expeditious means possible, and to the University community at large to the extent that is appropriate.

11. The Ombudsperson shall make an annual report to the University community through the Governing Council, and such other special reports as may be required from time to time by the Governing Council.

Relationship with Other University Activities and Services

12. The Ombudsperson shall have access to such official files and information as is required to fulfill the function of the Office. Requests by the Ombudsperson for information must receive priority from every member of the University community.

13. Where means exist in other University offices for the resolution of complaints or the provision of information the Ombudsperson shall direct enquirers to such offices and emphasize their responsibility for initiating the appropriate actions and for returning to the Ombudsperson if not satisfied with the results. The Ombudsperson shall cooperate with other offices that are particularly concerned with the provision of information to the University community on policies and procedures.


15. The Ombudsperson shall maintain suitable records of complaints, findings and recommendations and these shall be accessible only to the Ombudsperson and members of the staff of the Office of the Ombudsperson.

16. Each file and record will be maintained for a period of seven years and one day from the date on which the Ombudsperson deems the case to be completed. At the end of the period of seven years and one day, the file or record may be destroyed; however, no destruction of the file or record will take place while any proceedings are pending in the University, the Courts or any outside tribunal and until after all rights of appeal are exhausted or times of appeal have expired.

17. The Ombudsperson shall not release any information regarding personal and personnel records, unless written permission has been received from the affected persons for releasing the information.


18. The Office of the Ombudsperson shall be reviewed on a regular basis, coincident with the end of the incumbent's term, in a manner to be determined by the Executive Committee of the Governing Council. The term of the Ombudsperson should be from three to seven years. An Ombudsperson should serve for a maximum of three terms. Candidates for the Office shall be identified by a search committee highly representative of the University community and including students and members of the teaching and administrative staff.

April 12, 1998

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