Policies & Procedures

Standards of Professional Practice Behaviour for
Pharmacy Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
of the Faculty of Pharmacy

August 22, 1996

To request an official copy of this policy, contact:

The Office of the Governing Council
Room 106, Simcoe Hall
27 King's College Circle
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1A1

Phone: 416-978-6576
Fax: 416-978-8182


Standards Which Require Assessment in Pharmacy Academic Programs



Review of Behavioural and Ethical Performance


Standards Which Require Assessment in Pharmacy Academic Programs


This document articulates the standards of behaviour in a pharmacy practice setting that are expected of pharmacy students, exclusive of any standards already set in any existing University of Toronto or Faculty of Pharmacy code of behaviour.

Within the Faculty of Pharmacy, the academic programs include education in ethics and fieldwork practice under supervision. As well, students may be involved in extracurricular activities that bring them into contact with the public, other health care providers, members of the profession, peers, and faculty. It is expected that students will, at all times, adhere to the standards of ethical behaviour for the profession of pharmacy and that his/her professional activities will be characterized by honesty, integrity, conscientiousness and reliability. In particular, students will recognize that their involvement in the health care system may put them in positions of power with patients/clients. Students must not take advantage of this position to advocate for their personal gain, values, or beliefs.


The behaviours outlined in this document do not replace behavioural standards of the profession or those of a practice setting in which a member/registrant of the Faculty finds him or herself. Indeed, it is assumed that the higher standard of behaviour will always be the reference point of acceptable practice.

1. The students are responsible for communicating and interacting appropriately with colleagues/peers, faculty/preceptor, patients/clients, families, care givers and health care personnel.

More specifically, the student should demonstrate:

a) empathy and compassion for patients/clients, care givers and their families;

b) respect for and the ability to work harmoniously with the patient/client and all those involved in the promotion of his/her wellbeing;

c) concern for the psycho-social aspects of the patient’s/client’s illnesses and needs as well as concern for the patient’s, their families’ and care giver’s understanding of the nature of the illness and possible complications of treatment;

d) respect for confidentiality of all patient/client information;

e) recognition of the importance of self-assessment and life long learning;

f) awareness of the effects that differences in age, gender and cultural and social background may have on the maintenance of health and on the development and treatment of illness;

g) respect for colleagues.

2. Behaviours that are unacceptable to the professional practice of pharmacy may include:

a) violation of the Criminal Code;

b) referring to oneself as, or holding oneself to be, more qualified than one is;

c) failure to be available while on call or on duty;

d) failure to respect patient’s/client’s rights;

e) breach of confidentiality;

f) failure to keep proper records;

g) failure to accept responsibility and/or communicate the need for preventing or resolving a drug related problem as outlined by individual program policy;

h) failure to provide transfer of responsibility for patient/client care as outlined by individual program policy;

i) falsification of records;

j) sexual impropriety with a patient;

k) being impaired by alcohol or drugs while participating in patient/client care, on duty or on call;

l) any other conduct unbecoming of a practising pharmacist;

m) infractions of the Human Rights Code.

Review of Behavioural and Ethical Performance

The professional and ethical performance of students is a highly valued component of the Faculty’s educational and training programs. It will be assessed during and at the conclusion of all rotations/fieldwork placements in accordance with the Grading Practices Policy of the University of Toronto. If appropriate and necessary, opportunities for remediation will be offered. Appeals against decisions made under the above standards may be made in the usual way to the Faculty of Pharmacy and are subject to the regulations of the Faculty that cover such appeals. By virtue of publishing this document, the Faculty decrees that breaches of ethical and behavioural standards are serious and represent failure to meet academic standards. Poor performance may be grounds for the requirement of remedial work, denial of promotion, or dismissal from the program.

1. Adapted from the: Faculty of Medicine, Standards of Professional Behaviour, April 20, 1993; Department of Occupational Therapy, Standards of Professional Behaviour; Department of Physical Therapy, Standards of Professional Behaviour.

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