Who Will be Attending the Hearing?

Panel Members

Panels are composed of four people, the Senior Chair or Associate Chair, who is legally qualified, and three members of the Discipline Appeals Board. At least one member of the panel will be a faculty member and at least one member shall be a student. Panel members are neutral and will not have sat on the Student’s case previously and will have no prior knowledge of the Student’s situation when chosen to hear the appeal. Once selected, they will be given details about the Student’s case as the appeal materials filed by both parties will be provided to the panel members in advance of the hearing. The Chair is responsible for answering any questions of law and writing the final decision of the panel, which the other panel members will review and approve.

The Divisional Representative

A representative from the Division to which the Student belongs, this may be a Dean’s Designate or other Divisional Representative.

Discipline Counsel

Discipline Counsel, who may be the same lawyer who represented the University at the original hearing.


The Secretary of the Tribunal is the Director of the ADFG Office or his or her designate. The Secretary is neutral and his or her role is to record the hearing and answer procedural questions. He or she does not have a speaking role at the hearing.


The Student, if they have brought forth the case, is expected to attend the hearing, with or without counsel.


Observers sometimes attend hearings, and may include:

• The student’s family and/or friend(s)
• A member of the Tribunal or Discipline Appeals Board who is not a panel member for that particular hearing
• Articling students or others invited by Discipline Counsel
• A University employee connected to the case